twenty nine

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the picture on the side/top is exactly how harry looks in the fic. with the no tattoos and long hair, yet he's only nineteen((:

credit to whoever made the edit ! x

this chapter sucks ass btw but at least try to like it lol srry,

its a bit sexual like the last one((;


"Get the hell up!" Niall yelled, breathing heavily.

I shot up from where I was on the floor, since me and Harry somehow made or way onto it when we were sleeping.

My head fell back down onto Harry's chest, the boy still peacefully sleeping. "Shut the fuck up, Ni. You'll wake the prince," I mumbled, twirling a strand of Harry's hair between my fingers.

"Louis!" Niall yelled, sharp and annoying like. I felt like sticking my fist down his throat at this point.

I ignored the panicking irish voice, until he stepped over, whipping the blanket up and off of us.

"Ew!" He screamed, turning around and covering his eyes. "Why the fuck are you na-oh my god you dirty bitch," Niall cackled, Harry's eyes fluttering open.

"Louis?" Harry murmured, feeling around for me. His eyes were blown though once he heard Niall, and he yelped, flailing to get the blanket.

Harry was lost, flushed and confused. I helped him up, sending the boy to my room to get dressed. "Don't look yet," I told him, opening the door in the halls, pulling a pair of sweats out from the dryer. I tugged them on quickly, puffing out air.

"Okay," I spoke, falling onto the couch.

Niall excitedly ran over like the Grinch running to take the children's presents, clapping, "Tell me everything! Well not in detail..."

"Niall," I groaned, "We didn't have sex."

Niall frowned, "Awe, how sad," He paused, looking towards my bedroom door before turning back to me, "I thought it was gonna be a two person Conga line," He spoke under his breath.

"How far exactly?" He whispered, giddy. 

"We were grinding a lot, teasing one another. I gave him a hickey and he gave one to me, " I smiled proudly and pointed to the bruise, before realizing I shouldn't of said that to one of my best mates.

"And?" He hummed, motioning with his hands, as if he was giving a blow job.

I bit my lip, trying to contain my smile. "Yes, but thats it. And he gave me a hand job," I told him, as quiet as I could manage.

But, that didn't matter by the way Niall squealed as if he were a teenage girl, Harry walking out right when he did. The boy eyed Niall, clearing his throat.

"What's going on?" He bit his lip, standing straight. The way he looked made me want to ravish him right there and then.

Niall looked to me, devilish grin. "We were just talking about you, Harold."

Harry looked at me weirdly, "Saying what?"

"How he sucked-" Niall began casually, and I raised my voice over is, coughing.

"-Your smile," I hit my knee against Niall's, pinching his side. The latter gasped, slapping my hand away. He became offened, pinching me back, only to earn a glare, silently warning him not to do it again.

Harry looked between both of us, "Okay," He drawled out, taking a seat next to me. I hung my arm around Harry's shoulders, wrapping my hand around his left one.

Run And Hide // Larry Stylinson Where stories live. Discover now