epilogue part two

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a/n: just to make everything below clear, louis and harry met in 2013 in this fic. they were also the same age as they were in real life.

this chapter is short and based in different time zones of their life, just to show some insight on where they are and how everything is. i'm sorry if it sucks ):

January 9th, 2022

Louis huffed, a nervous feeling taking over his happiness in an instant. He looked over all the rings, unsure of which one to pick. They all seemed either too much or too little. Louis needed something a bit more... perfect for the occasion.

It was difficult to choose, and he was stumped. Harry deserved this but he didn't know exactly how to do it.

"This one's nice," Liam said, finger pointed against the glass casing each piece of jewelry. Louis walked over to him, eyeing the one his mate had picked out.

"Not good enough, Li. It's too... much? With all those diamonds... I know Harry would want something that I chose and wasn't so expensive. Harry hates me buying him anything in the first place." Louis retorted. Liam only nodded and continued looking.

"Then why did you bring me here? If you don't want help picking out the ring and stuff, then why ask me to come?" questioned the younger of the two with a brow quirked.

Louis smiled at Liam, head tilted to the side slightly. "For your comfort if I have a mental breakdown, Liam."

Liam blinked, speechless. "Okay. I mean, Niall or Zayn would probably be better at doing that."

Louis shook his head, disagreeing with Liam's statement. Niall would be the one to provoke the breakdown, whilst Zayn would more than likely walk away to not make a fool of himself. "No, Liam. You're the best option, because you're the most calm and collected out of the four of us."

Liam rolled his eyes, "Then what about Oliver of Aaron?"

Louis looked at Liam as if he had ten heads, crossing his arms; dumbfounded. "You do realize one is my ex boyfriend and the other use to be obsessed with me, correct?"

"And?" Liam started, looking down at a necklace, "But they're happily together now. And notice the past tense? They're both over you."

Louis groaned in annoyance, scrubbing at his face for a few moments. "I can feel it, I can feel the panic coming onto me, Liam. We're supposed to be looking for rings, not waste our time on a pointless conversation."

"It isn't pointless, especially given the situation we're in," Liam started, taking a deep breath, "You want it all to be perfect, yes?"

Louis didn't give a seconds thought before mumbling, "Of course." he wanted the night to be perfect, something they'd both remember and cherish forever.

"Then let me help you, Lou. I haven't known him as long as you have, yeah, but I know the things that Harry likes."

Louis groaned, "Fine, try to find something that doesn't say 'this took me two seconds to find', but something that has a really sentimental meaning to it."

As Louis finished off the sentence, his mouth dropped as he looked upon a stunning silver band, that Louis knew his boy would love. It was sterling silver, one diamond plastered to it's shiny surface.

"This," Louis whispered under his breath, waving Liam over as he took his lip between his teeth. "This one is the one, Li."

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