twenty seven

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A week without talking with Harry was one lonely week, a boring week and a silent one.

Even though I seen him everyday, he never uttered a single word. Except one day when he thanked me for opening his door for him when we checked up at the hospital.

Instead of talking to me, he would just stay on the couch, and go in the guest bedroom when it was time for bed. I could tell by his endless daydreams and his screaming he did in his sleep that he wasn't alright.

When I would go to work, he would be in the same place he was when I got home, folded up at the corner of the couch.

I decided though, that I would get him to talk someway, somehow.

Currently I was in my room, stark naked and with damp hair since I've just gotten out of the shower. I pulled on some loose sweats, tying the drawstrings together. I then tugged a random shirt on, it being a dark blue, tight on my skin.

I walked out, socked feet hitting the ground softly. I cleared my throat, looking at the small boy sitting, feet tucked under himself.

"Good afternoon," I greeted, unsure of what to say. He didn't take notice of me, so I sat down at the opposite end of the couch.

"Baby, you can't stay like this forever," I insisted, liking the sound of his new petname I have been using. I wondered if he enjoyed it too.

He did nothing but spare me a glance, which was something. His eyes fell upon some show that was playing, and I smirked when seeing him smile.

"I know you're mad, H. I didn't intend for that to happen, I just wanted you safe. You were so fragile and not answering me, I was scared."

"It's okay," He said after a long pause, repeating, "It's okay." 

I bit my bottom lip, running my tongue against my mouth. "Zayn texted a few minutes ago, love. He wanted to know if we could go out to dinner with them,"

Harry's brows fell together, and he seemed deep in thought.

The boy hummed, sighing. With no response, I added, "The second you feel uncomfortable, I will drive you back here and we can watch some films or something. Okay?"

"Okay, I will," He blushed, playing with his fingers.

"Would you like to freshen up, get a shower and I can let you have some clothes?" I offered, standing up with the boy following.

He nodded, and we both entered my room. I gave him towels and let him use the bathroom connected to my room, where I then laid on my bed and went on my phone.

I was scrolling through my Instagram when he stepped out, towel hung around his waist. I swallowed thickly and placed my phone down, giving an awkward smile as I kneeled at my dresser.

"I think this would look nice," I mumbled, pulling out a pair of skinny jeans with rips in each leg and a light yellow button up.

He smiled as I showed him, shy. "I really like it."

"If you want to wear something else, feel free to go through the drawers. I don't mind. I also don't know exactly where we are going, so just stay casual." I spoke with a chuckle before picking out my own outfit. Usual jeans and a grey shirt, denim jacket to go over it.

I left the room, reminding him of where the deodorant and a new toothbrush was beforehand. I closed the door behind me, dropping my pants and getting rid of my shirt. I changed quickly, ruffling my hand throughout my hair with a puff.

The door opened, and Harry stepped out, hair lightly settling across his shoulders, outfit complementing his body.

And maybe I've seen him in my clothes a few times, but right now reminded me of how much I enjoyed the sight.

Run And Hide // Larry Stylinson Where stories live. Discover now