twenty two

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Dedicated to louisenthusiast  ((: ty for the votes and comments! means a lot x


"Are you sure you want to go inside?" I questioned for basically the tenth time, gnawing down on my lip softly.

The boy rolled his eyes, obviously starting to get annoyed. "Yes, Lou. If I want to get over my weird fear, I need to actually face it," He pointed out, and I agreed by nodding.

"Okay, just, if you want to leave, tell me right away," I sighed, and the latter muttered an 'alright'."

I got out of the car first, Harry following a second after. We approached the apartment building, going inside and to the elevator. I took the familiar route to Zayn and Liam's flat, knocking on their door once I reached it.

We heard padded feet run to the door, and in a second Liam was opening it with a smile. "Hey Lou," Liam greeted, and Harry awkwardly gave a smile.

"Hi," I said, "Harry, this is Liam. Liam, Harry," I introduced, giving them both a smile.

Liam put his hand out once we stepped inside, and Harry slowly shook it. "He's a bit shy," I muttered to Liam, and his lips formed an o shape before nodding understandingly.

Zayn was sat on the couch, watching some football game as he sipped his drink. I again introduced the two, and Zayn greeted Harry with a wave.

"Is anyone else coming?" I questioned, in which Liam nodded.

"Quite a few," He began, checking his phone. "They'll probably be coming a little later,"

"Alright," I nodded, sitting on the couch. Harry sat next to me, tight posture and hands folded on his lap.

We all just sat, having a few random conversations. Harry was quiet most of the time, only talking when being talked to. Guests started rolling in one by one once an hour rolled by, and I knew some since I went to high school with them, but others I didn't even recognize.

Harry and I stayed seated on the couch, the boy holding his first solo cup of rum and coke as I sipped at my third.

"You don't have to drink it, you know," I told him, pulling him onto my lap. He blushed and nodded, taking a small sip.

"I want to, I just never have before so I'm scared I might act... weird," Harry spoke timidly, eyeing a boy and a girl who were making out just a foot away.

"I know-" I was about to reply, until my eyes fell onto Aaron who was talking to a blonde headed boy not far away. I rolled my eyes and Harry seemed to take notice, following them to see what I was looking at.

Harry turned back to me, frowning. "It's okay," He whispered, placing a hand on my back. I nodded and huffed, feeling a bit of rage wash over me.

All was good until about five minutes passed, and Aaron spotted us. A slick smile overtook his features, the man coming closer. "Well aren't you two cute," He said, and I groaned inwardly.

When both of us said nothing, he sighed. "I'm sorry for not doing anything when Oliver went all psycho, okay? But there a reason," He babbled, catching both of our attention.

"What's the reason then?" I clicked my tongue against the roof of my mouth, taking one last sip, placing my cup onto the table.

"Well," Aaron began, also placing his own cup down when he was done, "They did a few tests and some other shit, and basically he has really damn bad anger issues and he is also Bipolar," The man said, snapping his fingers for some unknown reason.

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