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A/N: dedicated to the lovely ificouldflywithniall for the votes :)

i have one question before you start reading. which cover would you prefer on the top/side? if you like the left one just say left, if you like right say right. i know they're both kind of bland and boring, but an opinion would really help. x


When I helped Harry inside my flat, I brought him over to the couch nearby and he sat down. He still had tears falling down his face, his body shaking as he sniffled.

The sight was heartbreaking, but I didn't know what to do. So I got two blankets and some pillows, bringing them out to the couch where the boy was sitting. I smiled lightly as he cuddled up into one of them, and I grabbed the other one and went to the opposite end of the couch.

I picked up the remote and glanced over at Harry who wasn't crying any longer, "What do you want to do?" I curiously asked.

"Whatever you want to do, I don't mind." He replied meekly, playing with the blanket between his thumb and forefinger.

I turned on the tv and went to the channel where you rent films, "Want to watch a film?" My eyes flicked towards Harry to see him already looking at me, a usual frown between his brows. His features softened though, and he nodded.

"Any film in particular?" I flipped through the column that had different movie genres, not knowing exactly what kind of film he liked.

He shrugged, "Uh, a comedy or horror film, I guess? I don't know much films, I only remember a few from my childhood." Harry admitted, embarrassed.

He fidgeted awkwardly as I thought about what to put on, and so I decided to pick a comedy to lighten the mood. Once we agreed on a film on which we both never seen, I paused it at the beginning and got up. "Would you like a drink? I have Pepsi, water, eh-some beer, and orange juice," I told the boy, remember what I bought recently.

"Just water, please." He gave me a small shy smile, and I nodded before going to the kitchen. I stuck a bag of popcorn in the microwave and opened my fridge to see the things I needed, where I pulled out a bottle of water for Harry and a can of beer for myself.

I knew that one beer wouldn't effect me much at all, and I wasn't planning on having anymore. When the popcorn was done, I poured it into a large plastic bowl and struggled as I lifted up all three things.

My hands struggled to carry it all, but thankfully I got ahold of the popcorn and water in one palm, other holding my drink.

I brought the popcorn and drinks out and passed one to Harry in which he thanked me. I then placed the popcorn bowl between us and got comfortable again, opening my beer and taking a sip before placing in onto the table.

I was watching the movie for about twenty minutes, when I noticed how quiet it was. I took a look over at Harry and was surprised when he was asleep, the boy cuddled up into the blankets with a relaxed expression.

I decided that maybe I should leave him be and not wake him up, where I could bring him to the spare room.

I shut off the television and turned on a lamp. I then fixed the blanket so it was covering him all and bit my lip as I glanced over his sleeping figure, and after a few seconds I turned around and went to my bedroom.

When I was in bed, I shut my eyes and found myself not getting much sleep at all that night. Because so many things were on my mind, and I couldn't get them to go away.

Run And Hide // Larry Stylinson Where stories live. Discover now