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(not edited! if you see a mistake, maybe pls show me?)

"We should go to the mall," Eleanor stated in a monotone voice as she was on her phone the next day, laying down so her head was on my lap.

"Why?" I looked down, tapping the power button on my own phone. Twitter got boring after a while.

Eleanor shrugged, eyes still glued to the screen as she texted away, probably to her boyfriend. "I'm bored, you seem bored. I need clothes, even though you probably don't from what I seen last night," She chuckled, and I pushed her off my lap, the girl falling to the ground with a thump. A squeal escaped her lips, and I winced at the sharp sound.

"You're an ass," She stated, getting up only to go right back on my lap. I didn't move her, since I knew how stubborn she is and she will move when she wants to.

"You're a bitch," I fought back, groaning.

"I know I am, proud of it too," She smirked, going back to texting.

I tutted and tried moving her head, only for her to force it down into my thighs. "If you want to go to the mall, move your damn head so I can get ready."

She mumbled an incoherent response, causing me to roll my eyes. But, she moved anyways so her head was now leaning on the arm rest. I hoisted myself up and stretched, going to my room with a yawn. It was ten in the morning and I usually wasn't this tired, but I guess that's what I get for staying up watching chick flicks with Eleanor all night.

I put my hands through my fringe and looked in the mirror, making sure it didn't look greasy at all. I did only get a shower the day before, but it still got greasy quite quickly and was a hassle to tame.

When seeing it looked fine, I decided to just get a shower later on in the day and to just get ready. We would have more time this way anyways, so it seemed like a good plan.

"I'm going to get ready, I'll be like an hour, Max is in town and he's gonna meet us there," She said, popping her head into my room and I nodded, not bothering to say anything. From her saying Max will be there, means I'll be the third wheel. Which is never a fun thing.

Once she left the room, I let out a sigh and brought my hands to my face. "Are you alright?" She asked and I blanked, not thinking she would've heard that.

Eleanor frowned, taking a seat beside me and wrapping an arm around my waist. "You didn't want him to come, huh?" Her tone was soft and knowing, laced with sorrow.

"No! No, it's fine," I dryly chuckled, expression faltering a quick second after, "I just hate when I'm the odd one out, you know?" I confessed, plucking my finger on the rip of my jeans.

"Yeah I know, it sucks," She agreed but then smiled, "Can't you ask like, Niall or Liam? Maybe Zayn?"

My tongue went to the roof of my mouth as I thought, humming. Since I wasn't at work, Zayn or Liam is on their shifts. Possibly both, so I didn't feel like asking them. And as for Niall, he's been busy with that one girl he met at the pub.

"Not really," I tapped my fingers against my thigh as I sighed, because wow, I need more friends. But, being social is a bit difficult for me. Making actual friends who stay is even more difficult.

"You sure?" Eleanor sing songs and giggled, "There has to be at least one person," She pressed on, grabbing a brush and combing it through her wavy hair.

"There's someone but I'll highly doubt he'll leave the-his place," I explained, chewing on my nails and wondering if he would go if I offered.

"Well then," She cleared her throat, standing up. "As I'm getting ready, go to his house and ask him. I'm sure he'll say yes," Soon she left, leaving me and my own thoughts.

Run And Hide // Larry Stylinson Where stories live. Discover now