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This chapter is dedicated to larrie5 just because her accounts really cute and we talked and she's so sweet:) y'all should check her out x


"Do you want me to stop?" I questioned, gulping and pulling away so our lips were just barely touching. I could feel the thick awkwardness between us, and Harry seemed like he was making himself do something he didn't want to do.

"No, no. Keep going," He said shakily, trailing off. "I've just never kissed... I'm not used to this."

I nodded hastily, brushing my lips lightly against his once more only for him to let our another whimper.

"You sure?" My voice was sweet and calm, not wanting to frighten the boy somehow.

There was a pause of Harry squeezing his eyes shut tightly, his arms crossed as each hand clipped at his own skin.

The gesture caused me to scrunch up my face, running my hands down his arms and to his own hands.

"Don't do that, don't hurt yourself, H." I mumbled, and he opened his eyelids reluctantly, lips pursed and eyes watery.

"I'm sorry," He sniffled, and I felt my heart shatter. Why was he crying?

"For what?" I questioned, just now noticing how he had several new bruises planted onto his fine skin.

His fingers trembled over the cuts on his hands, the sight of it all being overwhelming for me.

"I cant do anything, I'm so scared of things that may happen, that I ruin everything." He looked down to his body, lifting up the hem of his shirt slowly.

I watched with worry, eyes landing to his stomach where more bruises were visible. "I'm a burden, I'm an idiot, I don't deserve this," He whimpered as he quickly pressed down onto his lower abdomen, and I caught his hand and connected it with mine, forcing him to stop his cruel actions.

"You're not, you're much more than that. You're sweet, kind, beautiful, and I'm not trying to sound cliché or something, but it's all true. You shouldn't hurt yourself," I bit my lip, breath quickening. "Don't think I'm weird or anything, but you have a nice body, too. Everything about you is so... delicate? Pure? I don't know."

With blush crawling up my neck and to my cheeks, I added, "I don't want to see black and blue covering the beauty that hides beneath it."

Harry looked stunned, dazed in a way, staring at me with passion until he gulped and looked back down to his stomach. "I can't help it."

"Yes you can," I shot, knitting my brows, "All you have to do is stop letting whatever is in your mind control you, don't listen to whatever is telling you to hurt yourself,"

Harry gave me a dirty look and tugged his shirt back down, scooting away from me.

"You don't know the reason, so you shut up." He scowled, pointing a finger at me.

I widened my eyes and rested back onto the couch. The silence engulfed us into a thick blanket, no sound coming from either of us.

It stayed like that for seconds until Harry cut through it with a distressed tone. "See what I mean? I ruin everything."

There was a pause, both of us not knowing what to say to the other.

"If you ruined everything, I wouldn't be here now. It's okay if you don't want to kiss me, but it's not okay for you to get mad when I try to help you." I reasoned, shuffling back over to him nervously.

Harry opened his mouth to reply, and was about to speak until a voice cut him off.

My eyes widened and I turned my head to the other side of the treehouse, seeing a boy I definitely did not want to see right now.

Run And Hide // Larry Stylinson Where stories live. Discover now