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A/N: dedicated to Kitcatcute11 she's really adorable and kind so you should follow her x


It was an hour later, when me and Harry were cuddled up in the cabin, the blanket around us as our legs crossed over one another.

"Can I stay tonight?" I asked, running my hand through his curls.

Harry froze, pulling away to sit up. "That wouldn't be a good idea, Lou," He muttered, looking towards the bathroom door.

My brows furrowed and I jutted out my bottom lip, "Why not?"

"Because," He began, interlocking his hand shyly with mine. "Theres something that I don't want to share with you just yet."

I bit at my lip, tracing my index finger on his knuckle. "Don't you trust me? Why can't you tell me?" I questioned. I really did think that Harry trusted me, so it sucks knowing that he doesn't. Not fully, at least.

"Louis," He grumbled, "Please, just cuddle. I-I don't want to talk about it, and we both know I'm going to get angry if you keep asking," He sounded frustrated, calming himself by pinching at his skin.

I didn't do anything as his fingers snapped together onto his forearm, his thumb and middle finger creating painful friction that I knew somehow calmed the boy.

"I won't keep going, I'm sorry. I know I can be annoying by doing that, I'm just overly curious and can be nosy," I explained, hugging him. He continued to nip at his arm though, and I stayed quiet.

"We've been so sappy lately," He chuckled dryly, and I smiled at the sound of his voice. It was so soothing and calm when he wasn't furious. "But I'm going to continue to be sappy, because you think of yourself as annoying. You're not annoying, you're curious like you said. And I'm not willing to give you your answers, so that's why you ask and make up your own conclusion to things."

He paused and pressed his cheek into my side, "Maybe the conclusions you have are correct, okay? I'm not going to say you're right or wrong, because I feel like that will just give you the answers I don't want you to know."

I slumped, making a face that was annoyed yet confused all at once. "Just answer this, will I know eventually?" Sometime in the future?"

Harry nodded, reaching between his bed and the wall to pull out the all too familiar journal. I noticed how H.E.S was engraved onto the black leather material, and I remembered something about mine and Niall's conversation we had a little bit ago.

"Harry something Styles?" I questioned and Harry knitted his brows, slowly nodding.

"Edward, is uh, my middle name. I had this for a long time, but I want you to take it and read it when you're ready. I'm not saying it'll give you all the answers, since as a child I was scared someone would find it and know my secrets, but it could potentially help," He explained, his words cautious as to what he was doing.

My hand clamped onto the spine, taking it into my hands once he mentally and physically forced himself to let go. "Are you positive?"

Harry looked up to the celling, exhaling and tutting his teeth. "Yes."


Hours passed, and so did the time when I had to leave. I was now cuddled up on my couch the next evening, hands grazing the pages and wondering if I should read it just yet. I mean, I've been waiting two months, so I do deserve this. Right?

Either way, he gave it to me to read and that is what I will do. I can't just throw it down onto the table, and leave as is. But at the same time that's what I felt like doing, because I know the pages inside will behold the secrets. The secrets that could end our friendship.

Run And Hide // Larry Stylinson Where stories live. Discover now