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Maybe I shouldn't of left Harry alone since he didn't give me a clear reason on why I needed to leave. But I guess he just wanted alone time, like pretty much every other person likes to have once in awhile.

Or maybe he just didn't like the fact he fell asleep with me, and wanted me gone so he could think about it. Overall, the possibilities are endless.

Today I didn't have work, so I basically was left bored and alone at home. I did talk to my friend Eleanor for a minute, because she only wanted to see how I was. After we hung up though, I was alone and basically suffocating in the silence that surrounded me.

I would hang out with Zayn and Liam, but Zayn's sick and Liam is watching over him. And I also would hang out with Niall or Eleanor too, but Niall wouldn't pick up and Eleanor lived two hours away.

I hung my head back as I stared at the ceiling, and it was now I realized that maybe I needed more friends. Just some ones who can be there when I them. Just when I was about to close my eyes and get some sleep, a knock was being heard and I already had a feeling on who it was.

With a moan, I got up and off the couch only to open the front door moments later. Aaron gasped, instantly looking at my face with both disgust and worry. "What happened to you?" His voice was laced with curiosity, hand trying to touch the bruise. I instantly shot back at the gesture, dodging his hand as he frowned and let it fall back to his side.

My shoulders wiggled and I thought of a lie, "I fell," I said smoothly, watching with a raised brow as he stepped inside, which I found rude since I never even invited him in.

"I doubt you fell, L." He mumbled, and I cringed inwardly at the nickname.

I glared at the man, "Really? Why does it matter?" His fingers slid across the wall as he checked out my place, nodding approvingly at the things around him. I trudged behind him, making sure he did nothing sneaky. My eyes set onto his face, seeing the grim smile he played.

"Who do you think you are?" I asked, following him into the kitchen. "Do you think you own this place or something?" I pinched the bridge of my nose, more than annoyed at the moment.

"I'm Aaron," He looked my way and sent a smile, "And no, of course not. I'm just curious as to what you live in," He hopped on the counter, sitting down, taking a water bottle close by and drinking it with triumph. Like he succeeded at something special, which was as weird as it seems, being inside my flat.

"Well, now that you know, leave." I demanded, pointing to the door. But he didn't budge, just continued to drink the water, which made me huff.

"Aaron," I said in a warning tone, and he looked at me with a hum. "Can you please go, I want you out." I was becoming angrier by the second, cold tone and all.

"Hey, what's this?" He picked up the two bracelets that I must've taken off before my shower, and I groaned as he examined them. I honestly forgot all about the bracelets, but now he reminded me that I needed to give the green one to Harry, I snatched them back and slipped them onto my wrist.

"What does it look like?" I mumbled. "They're bracelets, obviously. And they have a special meaning, so don't touch them again."

Aaron being the childish adult he is, reached over to try and poke the yarn, but I snapped my hand back and placed it safely behind me. "Are you deaf?" I scowled.

"Are they friendship ones?" He asked, still eyeing them.

"No," I grumbled an innocent lie, saying not so innocent swear words under my breath, leaving the room, only to have Aaron follow me close behind. "Now, leave or I will call the police," I threatened, watching as the weird and immature man walked passed me, leaving, finally.

Run And Hide // Larry Stylinson Where stories live. Discover now