twenty three

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I groaned as I got pulled from my sleep, light shining directly onto my face. My eyes slowly fluttered open from where I laid on the bed, slapping my hand in front of my eyes once the blinding light hit them.

"Time to wake up," Harry mumbled, climbing back into the bed and cuddling into my side. I held back a smile as he pressed a chaste kiss to my shoulder, opening my eyes to look at him.

I was shirtless and clad in a pair of Liam's pyjama pants, as Harry wore one of Zayn's shirts and a pair of his pyjama pants, too. We slept here afterwards because I wasn't sober enough to drive us home safely.

"Did you have a good sleep?" I questioned, yawning mid sentence. My voice was raspier than usual, and Harry nodded.

"Good sleep indeed," He muttered, adding in, "I like how your voice sounded right then,"

I chuckled for a second, my lip tracing the inside of my bottom lip. "Why is that?" I mumbled, putting my fingers to his skin and letting my hand roam around the light stubble.

"Why is that to what?" He asked softly, eyebrows turning to a frown.

I sat up, blankets pooling around my waist. "My voice, why do you like how it sounds right now?"

Harry blushed, looking down as he twirled the hem of his shirt between his fingers. The graceful smile that was on his face had me in awe, internally cooing at the boy.

"Sounds soft, softer than usual. I don't know," Harry muttered quietly, cheeks still dusted pink. His curls fell in front of his eyes so I moved it back behind his ear:

I stopped shortly after though, feeling nauseous. "Fuck," I swore, placing my hand down onto my flat stomach. "I feel sick and..."

My face went pale, jaw dropping and eyes widening. "What time is it?!" I rushed, jumping out from the covers and almost tripping as I hurried over to my clothes.

Harry tapped the home button on my phone, looking before slowly mumbling, "Ten thirty, why?"

"Shit," I cursed profusely, brushing my hand through my hair after I tugged on my shirt. "I'm late for my shift!"

"I'm sorry," Harry spoke under his breath, "I've been up for a bit, I should've woken you earlier," He announced.

"It's fine, just c'mon," I shook my head towards the door once Harry pulled on his own clothes as well, seeing Zayn and Liam cuddled up on the couch as we entered the living room. I chuckled under my breath quietly, thinking about me ever being in a long lasting relationship again. I doubt it would happen, though.

I opened the front door, waving Harry over. I would just text either Liam or Zayn later on so they knew we were okay.

When we reached the driveway, I speed walked over to my car with Harry trailing close behind me, hands locked behind his back as an upset look took over his features.

I started the car, looking back once I went to pull out. "You don't have to be upset, I shouldn't of came here last night."

Harry crossed his arms, staring out the window where he sat in the passenger seat. "I shouldn't of waited so long though, I wanted to let you sleep."

"I get it," Came my response, tone understanding and soft. "I would've let you sleep in too if you drank as much as I did last night, it's okay."

"Do you remember what we did last night?" Harry cleared his throat, shifting in his seat.

"What thing?" I trailed off, thinking back to what happened the night previous. I was scared he was going to regret what we did, although it really wasn't much.

Run And Hide // Larry Stylinson Where stories live. Discover now