thirty one

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this is the chapter you've all been waiting for; everything to be revealed

enjoy ( ノ^ω^)ノ゚


My Converse hit the puddles, and I really didn't care about how soaked my feet were getting.

The rain was pouring down, and I was deciphering if I should've just forgot it all and forgave him, but I knew I was too stubborn myself to do that, I kept denying that I was the main antagonist.

That I myself started this; all because of my mood and the fact that my sister may be carrying her first child.

It was his fault, right? He's the one always freaking out, threatening to kill me. I subconsciously thought, huffing.

I coughed into my sleeve, slipping the small book inside my pocket.

The air wasn't helping, it being humid and warm.  I still felt as if my throat was closing up, and I couldn't tell what was tears or rain at this point.

I stopped mid step, swallowing as I seen the one street I used to go down all the time. I wish I knew why it was so vacant, why no one lived on it and why the forest was forbidden. There was nothing frightening in there, just a broken boy not knowing what to do with himself.

I licked my dry lips, wetting them with saliva as I closed my eyes for a few blank moments. They opened and I cautiously took a few steps forward, stopping again for a second before continuing.

I nibbled at my lip when I came closer to the rusty abandoned gates, looking up to the sky that was slowly becoming darker by both the time of day and soon to be storm. The rain started to come down harder, sopping clothes causing me to shiver.

I continued going, stumbling inside. I was so used to it by now that I never even considered it as illegal anymore, I was always focused on one thing and that one thing only.

The No Trespassing sign had become invisible. I would ignore it for as long as I came here. It wasn't like I would get in too much trouble if I got caught, or at least I hope I wouldn't.

Inside the woods was even darker than it was outside of it, being that the trees were towering above the ground, shade over everything. A cool breeze passed by and it reminded me of the first time I ever stepped foot into this place, a slight frown taking over my features.

This was the first lonely walk I've been on since that time I met the boy, the first time in a long time where I was just walking to escape life, to escape him. To escape the world.

It was the first time I felt the need to be away from Harry, as it was usually the opposite. He was the one I craved, the one I loved and cherished most.

And he was mine, but I felt like a fool. A fool because I fell so easily for the boy. I still know nothing about him, my eyes seen Harry as a broken helpless boy and nothing more.

Time flew by quickly, even though I went the longest way possible. I looked up, seeing the familiar fence, chipped and about to collapse as perusal.

I crawled through the hole, only for my eyes to widen at the sight. The cabin wasn't there, or so it was: but definitely not how we left it.

The only thing there of it was wood, small cabin crumpled to bits and pieces. I bit my knuckle, wondering what I would do. I glanced over, confused as to why it was like this, a pile of garbage.

A jar was on the ground, shattered. I recognized it as the one with that cased the money inside, the one hidden under the boys bed. It no longer held the bills, but instead nothing.

Run And Hide // Larry Stylinson Where stories live. Discover now