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I parked Zayn's car outside of the neighbourhood, and then quickly grabbed what I needed before sneaking down the road. It was daytime, and so the chances of me being caught were higher than usual.

The sound of a dog barking startled me, and I moved my gaze to the other side of the road where a lady was walking her dog. She was looking at me with a frown between her brows, and suddenly was walking over.

I felt like running, and was about to do just that until she spoke. "You do know that forest is abandoned and stuff, right?"

I nodded hastily, racking my brain for any lie that I could come up with, "I'm not going in there," I muttered, tightening my hold on both the drinks.

"Where were you going then?" She crossed her arms, the dog growling at me. I just pointed randomly behind me, mustering up some more lies.

"There is a shortcut to my friends place behind some of the houses," I said timidly, the lady who was probably in her late fifties then nodded and laughed a bit.

"I thought you were gonna go inside there. Only crazy people do, whoever goes in there is just plain stupid." She said, putting her lips together in a tight line. I pretended to agree, wanting to just go now so I could see the curly haired boy.

"Anyways, I must go. Goodbye, and remember to not go in that god forsaken forest unless you want to be killed," She scoffed, leaving with her dog.

I chuckled at what just happened and went to the side of a house, waiting for her to be out of sight before speed walking to the entrance of the forest. I checked behind me and made sure no one was there, stepping inside quickly when no one was.

I walked quietly throughout the forest, listening to the sound of gravel under my footsteps and the occasional birds chirping.

I knew I was going the right way when I came upon the bike rack. When I was far enough into the place, I decided to start calling out Harry's name.

"Harry? It's Louis," I called out, "I come baring drinks," I laughed a bit, holding his drink. I sipped at my own, frowning when it was empty.

I didn't want to litter or anything, and was planning to just hold onto it, but luckily after a few minutes a trash bin came into view.

After I threw it out, I walked some more and was slowly starting to get worried.

There was a chance that I wouldn't be seeing Harry since the forest was so large and I didn't know my way around it yet, and that scared me. I didn't want to get lost or something horrible like that to happen.

Thankfully though, after a few more long minutes of me calling out Harry's name, I seen the boy walking down the pathway.

"What are you doing here?" Harry asked, coming closer. Soon he was standing right in front of me, towering over my smaller body.

I shrugged and gave a small smile, holding out his drink. "Wanted to see how you were doing, and I bought you something,"

Harry raised a brow and grabbed it, looking at the drink with confusion, "Oh, well uh-thanks?" He grabbed it slowly.

"It's called a Mocha Caramel Frappe, I didn't know what else to get you so I decided on getting what I got myself," I said sheepishly, and we both sat down on some nearby rocks.

He took a sip and paused for a second, giving me a smile, "It's good."

I smiled back, "m'glad you like it," It was silent for a bit after that, Harry sipping his drink and me just reading over the hundreds of text messages from Oliver.

Run And Hide // Larry Stylinson Where stories live. Discover now