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dedicated to 5sos_calm_101 for the comments and votes, sorry that I made you choke 😂 x


"Max said he's there already," Eleanor said a bit too loudly from where she sat in the back of my car, Harry in the passenger and I driving.

"So I'm guessing you're gonna run off with him?" I questioned, licking my Ice Pop I retrieved from the freezer before I left, Harry having one too, but Eleanor declined, saying she didn't want any to drip onto her outfit.

I felt eyes on me and snapped my head towards where Harry sat, seeing him looking my way with wide eyes. I raised a brow and he looked down to his lap, clearing his throat, trying to seem nonchalant.

"Are you guys hungry?" Eleanor asked and I shrugged, as did Harry. This caused the brunette to groan, "Give me a real answer. Shrugs aren't good enough," She said sassily, snapping her fingers, which was something she did when she was annoyed.

"I'm not," I said once the car parked, yawning yet again. Harry uttered a quiet "No."

My hands came to rub at my temple, feeling a mild headache start to come. Harry took noticed and frowned, opening his side of the car and getting out. Eleanor was already gone to the entrance by the time I did, Harry waiting with his hands tucked behind his back and posture straight as I grabbed all my things.

"Have you been to this mall?" I questioned as we got inside, Eleanor completely out of sight, probably already with her boyfriend, at only God knows where.

Harry hummed, keeping his head down only to take a quick peep towards my direction. "Not that I know of, probably when I was younger but that's it," He explained and I nodded, lips falling into a straight line as I glanced around.

"Do you want to just like, I don't even know," I sighed, cracking my knuckles by pushing down on them with my thumb, "Let's just sit at the food court for a bit, I guess. She's probably gonna have her boyfriend drive her wherever she heads to next."

"Okay," Harry cleared his throat, his voice sounded even more deep than usual when he spoke, "What was the point of this? Just using you as a drive?"

I chuckled at Harry's words, carefully and shyly intertwining my fingers with his. He looked down to our hands and his eyes visibly widened, the boy gulping and forcing himself to keep his head held high.

"Pretty much," I told him, "But she will repay me in some way, some time. Wether it be driving me somewhere or buying me food, she will. That's how our friendship works,"

Harry bit his lip, seeming hesitant.

"I want to tell you something," The nineteen year old spoke extremely quietly, and if it wasn't for our close proximity, I wouldn't of heard him.

"And what is that?" I said after a minute.

We both sat down at one of the many metal tables at the food court, some people around us giving weird looks and others smiling.

"I think I might have strong feelings for you, and I think I want to be something more," Harry paused, silence taking over. "But I'm scared of you, Louis."

My brows came together and my mouth went agape, looking at Harry with a confused expression. I was one of the most least intimidating person, I wasn't scary at all.

"Why are you scared of me?" I asked, lost and half concerned that he may freak out. Which wouldn't be good, since we're at a public place.

Harry's eyes met mine and he looked as if he was about to cry, "Because I've been in a relationship before. I've liked someone and bad things happened once they liked me back. When I was younger, they did some bad things. It's in a section of my journal, actually," His tone was quiet and shaky, and he ripped some napkins from its holder and wiped them under his eyes.

Run And Hide // Larry Stylinson Where stories live. Discover now