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After Niall woke me, I got ready and went to work, definitely not ready for the day ahead of me. My hand went flat on the counter as I counted the money I've made so far in just the few hours I've been here, stomach grumbling as I did so.

I thought about Harry and how he was, since I haven't seen him since the day previous and I didn't know why he left. I didn't know if he was okay, but I hoped he was fine.

He seemed like he's been getting worse the past few days I've been seeing him though, and that scares me. It feared me to know that maybe something more dark and creepy could be happening to Harry or with Harry that I didn't know about, since maybe that was why he didn't tell me anything.

I believed he had secrets that he wanted kept, but not knowing them were slowly driving me crazy.

I wiped the back of my hand against my forehead, letting out a silent sigh, pushing the thoughts away for now. This place was more than busy on weekdays, depending on the time and hour. And today is one of those busy days, so I was exhausted.

A yawn escaped my thin lips when I finished counting the notes, closing the cash register and half proud that I've made almost three hundred pounds. Usually it's around seventy in a day. "Hey man," Liam greeted as he walked in, and I felt relief wash over me because now my shift was over.

"Hey Li," I smiled, the boy following me to the back. He picked up his own apron and pulled it over his head, placing his phone down like I do every time before work.

"I really want to go home back to Zayn right now, he's sick and I feel bad that I can't take care of him," He said sadly, both of us walking back out to the main room.

"Can't you go back if you want?" I asked, "Just ask, I'm sure they'll let you go home," I continued, referring to the manager.

"Already tried," He let out a sigh, and I felt pity for the younger man in front of me. "That's shitty," I added, getting closer to the front door. In all honesty, I just wanted to leave this place.

"Yeah... They did say if I absolutely needed to I could go, but I'll just see if Zayn gets any worse than what he is now," He sat at the stool and gave a half smile.

"Good idea, but anyways I should probably go," I pointed behind me, "Text me when you get off mate," I waved goodbye, as did Liam.

He called out a 'bye' as I left the bakery, and I probably seemed bored of the conversation but we are good enough friends now that he knows I just wanted to leave.

I got inside my car and pulled out, doing the daily familiar drive back home. Only instead I took a left instead of going straight, which was something I did most days lately. And maybe I was really tired, but I haven't seen the boy in over twenty four hours and I'm starting to miss him.

Another yawn and a few minutes later I was parking down the street, eyes forced open as I scanned the area. I tiredly ran inside the forest after getting out of my car, slowing down once I felt I was a safe distance in.

When I was almost there, I patted my back pocket but groaned when not feeling my phone. It was unusual for me to leave my phone places, but I figured it would be fine where it was since it was getting dark out and no one really went down that road.


"Harry, you here?" I asked quietly as I opened the door, the night sky above me as I peeked my head inside.

My fingers danced against the wall as I closed the door, walking more into the room. It was darker in here than what it was outside, the room silent and eerie. "Harry?" I repeated.

Run And Hide // Larry Stylinson Where stories live. Discover now