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A/N: dedicated to fireproof_stylinson for the votes ! thank you love x


The forest was quiet and calm as me and Harry walked throughout it, both of us silent. I gazed around, seeing the snow on the ground that was melting away into nothing, and the trees that were slowly growing some leaves.

Let's just say, I loved the spring. To me it was beautiful, and probably my favorite season.

The silence gave me time to think, and I remembered something.

"Harry-" I was about to build up enough courage to tell the poor boy about his mother, but Harry had interrupted me, "We're here!" He smiled, and I looked up to see what appeared to be an old treehouse. My brows formed together and I turned to Harry, lost on why we were here.

I followed him as he climbed up a few planks that were nailed into the tree, my eyebrows still knitted once we made it to the top. I peeked around at the scenery, smiling at the cute area. Drawings were hung onto the wooden walls, and in the corner was a leather couch. A blue carpet was laid on the floor, with a coffee table on top.

This looked like the perfect hideout for a teen, or the perfect place to play if you were a child. "This is my place, I guess. Uhm, y-yeah." He said awkwardly, sitting on the couch with me soon following his actions.

"It's... Nice." I said shyly, giving the boy a smile.

I let out a sigh, looking at Harry with a pitiful look. He soon noticed though, raising a brow. "What?" He asked, looking down at himself and checking his hair to see if something was in it.

I chuckled for a second but went back to a frown, my mind racing with thoughts of how the boy will react when I tell him what had happened.
I was half scared, half worried. What if he freaks out and hurts himself, or worse, hurt me?

The thought wouldn't go away, and I just felt as if sometime, somewhere, he was going to hurt me. But as usual, I shrug it off as nothing. "What do you ehm-want to do?" He asked, staying to the far corner of the couch as he looked at me questionably.

I shrugged once again, looking around until my eyes set on what appeared to be a toy chest. On top of it was a frame with another picture on it, and I found it cute that he had so many pictures.

I picked up the bland frame, "Who are these two cuties?" I brought the frame over to him, Harry looking at it with a smile that soon formed into an unwanted frown.

"That there is me," He pointed to a boy who appeared to be around five or six with straight brown hair, and then he pointed to one who looked slightly older with shorter dirty blonde hair. "This was my old best friend, before uhm. Yeah,"

He placed the picture down on the table and watched with a puzzled expression as I glanced at him for permission to open the crate, the boy pausing for a second before nodding. My hand lifted up a hook that kept it closed and I slowly peeked in, not that sure as of what might've been inside.

I was being nosy, I admit. These weren't my things, but he did allow me to do this. My brows pulled together as I seen children's toys, which wasn't all too weird but the thing that caught my attention was a brown bear that had a paper taped to it's chest.

My features lightened once I read a bit of the folded up note, which you could tell by the spelling errors and chicken scrawl sketched onto the paper that a kid indeed wrote this.

"To: harry <3 .. From: your best frend XO"

"This is adorable," I looked back at Harry, a smile leaving my face once I seen how angry he appeared to be.

Run And Hide // Larry Stylinson Where stories live. Discover now