twenty one

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Trigger Warning! Brief mentions of a failed suicide attempt.


Ending up at a hospital when it was only three in the afternoon was definitely something I didn't expect.

Having Harry awkwardly sitting next to me with his feet propped under his legs as he shook back and fourth to try and stop his upcoming panic attack and Aaron sitting in the corner sobbing also wasn't something I expected.

I glanced over to the shaking boy, letting my hand fall to his back, tracing soothing circles between his shoulder blades.

"I know you don't like being in public love," I frowned, "I'll drive you back if you want?"

Harry perked up quickly at my words, hastily shaking his head and moving so his head was leaning on my arm.

He cuddled closely and wrapped one hand around my own. "I want to be with you," A sigh escaped his plump lips, the poor boy shutting his eyes tightly.

I didn't reply, but instead swept my hands through his tangled curls and crossed my ankle with his.

My eyes looked across the room to see Aaron sitting on the floor, staring at us with an emotionless expression. But once his met mine, he gave a forced smile, adding in a thumbs up. I huffed and smiled back, also raising my thumb from where it was resting on my knee.

"Is Oliver your ex boyfriend you told me about?" Harry questioned, turning his head so his gaze could meet with mine. I nodded and sighed, placing my hand that was on his curls to his chest.

"He wasn't the best boyfriend, he was abusive in several ways, " I started with a dry chuckle, "He's always sleeping around nowadays." I paused, biting the inside of my cheek.

"But that doesn't mean I don't care about all of this happening. I have a feeling it was all my fault, and he even said it was, too."

Harry furrowed his brows, sitting up. "How was that–"

"Louis Tomlinson?" A gruff voice called, and all three of our heads shot over to a man with a white coat and a clipboard grasped in his hands.

"That's me," I said confused, because why would I be called?

The Doctor looked down to the paper and snapped his head back up, "You're Oliver's boyfriend, right?"

My mouth dropped and so did the boys sitting next to me, and I glanced over to Aaron just to see him with wide eyes, discreetly nodding his head.

I cleared my throat and recomposed myself, acting as natural as I could. "Yeah, that's me."

"Good," The Doctor smiled, and it was now as I walked closer that I seen his name tag had the word "N. Reedus" engraved into the thin plate of metal.

"Now, Oliver just woke up a few minutes ago. He's a bit confused, but did ask for his boyfriend. Make sure not to alarm him by yelling or triggering him, be calm and collective." Reedus explained, jotting down things onto the paper.

I nodded and swallowed the lump in my throat, stopping when the doctor did.

He opened the door slowly, peeping his head in. Seconds later he was walking fully in, I trailing after him with a tight posture.

"How are you feeling?" The man questioned Oliver who was wrapped in a thin blue hospital blanket, eyes hooded and skin pale.

He looked over to me, features slightly lighting up and he frowned when I knitted my brows, crossing my arms across my lower abdomen. I wasn't the most pleased person at the moment.

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