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dedicated to XxSoulSorcerrerxX because she's wonderful, and she also guessed the person right ! ik it was easy to guess who it was 😂

writers block is a pain, sorry if this sucks


"Louis? I've missed you so much, baby!" My mum cooed, wrapping me in her arms soon after.

"Hey mum," I said softly, breathing in her familiar scent. It's been a long time since I've gotten a hug, especially from my own mother.

It was only a second later when I felt more arms wrap around me, and I looked down to see Daisy and Phoebe with large smiles on their faces. "I've missed you," Daisy said quietly, Phoebe nodding in agreement.

I pecked each of my seven year old sisters on the forehead, watching them with a smile as they ran off to their rooms.

My mum let me inside and lead me to the livingroom, both of us sitting down on the couch in front of the television, "Why haven't you visited lately? The girls and I have missed you," She said, a frown prominent on her face.

I let out a sigh and faced towards her, "I'm not gonna try to make up some lame excuses, but let's just say I've been... busy, lazy, and overall sick and tired of something that have been going on," I spoke, distracting myself from looking at her by playing with the hem of my shirt.

"It's about Oliver, isn't it? Love I'm so sorry about that-"

I cut her off mid sentence, which might've been rude but I needed her to know I no longer cared about Oliver and what he does. "No, no. I'm over him, it's only been a few weeks since we broke up, but I'm fully done with him. He's hurt me too many times," I said, shaking my head since we were going off topic of what I actually wanted to talk about.

"It's about another boy that I've met, like a month ago now. And I just need advice," I looked up from my shirt to give a pleading look, which she frowned even more too, placing a hand on my knee.

"With what?" I seen her raise a brow, turning her full attention to me. She removed her hand and let it fall to her side.

I thought for a minute, because should I actually tell her what has been going on? That I trespassed into a forest and met a sketchy, closed off boy that goes by the name Harry? I wasn't all too sure if I should, because she could scold me on being so juvenile or something.

But then again, she is my mum and she has accepted me for everything else before.

"Well," I paused to take I deep breath. "Do you remember when I called you and asked if you knew someone named Anne, who used to work at the hospital you did?" I questioned curiously, and seen how her face went from confused to knowing.

"Yes, why?" She seemed completely interested in whatever I was about to tell her, leaning forward like a child who loves whatever story their parent is telling them.

"Because the boy I was talking about, well I met him in a forest." I said awkwarldy, scratching the back of my head in an uncomfortable manner.

By now she looked lost, more than likely wondering what the hell I was talking about. "You met a boy, in a forest?" She questined slowly, the words leaving her mouth with a weird tone.

"Yes," I replied meekly, carefully. Not wanting her to think her son has gone mad.

"And how did you meet this boy in a forest? Why were you in a forest?" She asked more and more questions, until I rudely shushed her by interrupting her once again. I didn't mean to be so obscene, but I was stressed out at the moment and just wanted to get my point across.

Run And Hide // Larry Stylinson Where stories live. Discover now