thirty three

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I started to sprint the second I heard her say the location, weaving through the trees, seeing flashlights all around. I knew they were trailing close behind, since I could hear their yells, trying to slow me down.

Eventually I did, just so they could catch up, letting out a heavy breath as the wooden house came into view. It looked the same as always, planted in its spot.

"He's in there," Lilian whispered to a cop, pointing to the treehouse about ten feet away. A few men nodded, saying things into the speakers, going even closer.

"Des Styles," They called, strict and rough. Nothing but silence was heard, as we all closed our mouths, waiting for some type of reply.

After seconds on end with no response, we all started walking closer, a few officers raising their guns towards the tree. I felt like breaking down when they continued calling his name, my heart beating at a quick pace. I felt like he wasn't there to begin with, and that Lilian was lying.

"Let me go up," I said shakily, giving them a look, "Please, if it's Harry then he is probably panicking really badly," I bit my lip, looking to the several officers.

"We can't let that," He motioned towards the tree, "Let us—"

"Please," I begged, "Please, let me see if he's okay."

All they did was nod, and I seen the FBI come into view aswell. Who knew this would all happen in one day?

I climbed up the planks, gingerly. My eyes were shut, my anxiety only getting worse the higher I went. My hands gripped the wood so tightly that I knew they would be littered with splinters later on.

I looked over, almost screaming in happiness when I seen Harry on the ground. I raced over, ripping off the duct tape that was around his mouth, disabling him to shout for help.

"Louis," He sobbed, jade eyes glazed over and half closed. A weak smile broke out, and I kissed the crown of his head, breathing in his familiar scent.

I heard the other men come up, going back down once they seen we were alright. I could hear them yelling that they've found Harry, my smile only growing.

His frail body was worse than ever before, and he winced as I touched his leg. I looked down, my hand covered in blood, trickling down my palm. I apologized, asking what happened.

"H–He stabbed me in my leg, when I–I tried to kick him," He whimpered, and it was only a second before a woman came over, kneeling next to us. The one outside of the forest, whom I was speaking with.

"There's an ambulance outside, love. Come on now," she smiled softly, and it took a good ten minutes before Harry was on the ground, since he had to climb down himself with only limited help.

I carried him to the ambulance when we got to the gates, the paramedics placing him atop the thin stretcher.

"You'll be okay," I whispered when they shut the door, "I know you will."


Hours went by, and it was nearing five in the morning. I felt sick to my stomach. This was Harry's second time in a hospital, in less than a month.

All because of his own father; who hasn't been found.

I bit at my nails, a habit I did when nervous, wondering how much longer it would be. I just wanted the boy safe, and okay. The unknown was slowly driving me mad.

Run And Hide // Larry Stylinson Where stories live. Discover now