Keeping Up the Act

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of these characters except Aria Stevens. Everyone else belongs to J.K. Rowling.

Keeping Up the Act

            I woke up and the smile from my dreams was still plastered on my face. Out of all the good dreams I could possibly have, the Sweet Dreams pill chose Fred and I getting married. It wasn’t the picnic with my parents like I really thought it was going to be. Fred and I getting married. Married! My smile started to fade as I actually started thinking about it. I didn’t like Fred that way so why was this my dream? Maybe the twins planted the dream. But could they do that? I thought they could only make it make you have a good, or bad, dream. But maybe they didn’t tell me the part where they could also control the dream. I’d have to ask them but after I “forgive” them.

            I sat up in my bed and the sun beamed into my window. My smile returned because of that. I love that it was sunny outside. I loved the light coming into my bedroom and I loved hearing the birds chirp. I loved that I wasn’t covered in sweat and that I could be happy. I jumped out of bed happily and looked at myself in the mirror. The dark circles that I had gotten used to seeing under my eyes were gone. My face looked happy and not tired like usual. I didn’t care if the dream could’ve been sat up. I was just glad that my nightmare was over as long as I took that pill every night. I prayed the twins had made more as I grabbed a yellow sundress from my dresser, along with underwear, and went out of my room to take a shower.

            The hot water felt extremely good as it hit my skin. My body was totally relaxed and I felt like I could do anything. Running, flying, singing. It’s amazing what just having a good dream could do to a witch. Pounding on the bathroom door startled me and I lost my train of thought. “Aria, hurry up! I gotta take a waz!” Fred’s voice yelled from outside the door in his oh so polite way of telling me he has to use the bathroom.

            “I’ll be out in a minute!” I yelled back irately and hoping George hadn’t told him my plan.

            I turned off the water and dried off my body before putting on my clothes. After quickly drying my hair and putting my dirty clothes away, I walked out into the hall with my fake madness on my face; in case Fred was still out there. He was and he looked at me. “It’s all yours, your majesty.” I said with anger in my voice.

            Fred smiled with pleasure. “Is that anyway to talk to the man who got rid of the dark circles under your eyes?” He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.

            “No but that is the way to talk to the git who first gave me the worst dream of my life!” I yelled as George joined us in the hall.

            “How many times must we apologize?” Fred asked; annoyance in his voice.

            “We really are sorry, Aria.” George said.

            “I don’t care.” I said sternly and walked downstairs.

            Mrs. Weasley was in the kitchen when I walked in and she smiled like always at me. “Good morning, Aria. You’re looking better. Did the twins’ pill work?” She asked curiously and I nodded.

            “Yes.” I smiled at her. “But that doesn’t mean I forgive them.”

            She sighed. “Those two shouldn’t be forgiven so easily after what they’ve done. A punishment like this is what they need.” She smiled at me. “There’s pancakes on the table, dear.”

            I smiled. “Thanks Mrs. Weasley.” I sat down at the table and started fixing my plate. To be honest, I was actually surprised Mrs. Weasley agreed that I shouldn’t forgive them. But then again, she always got easily frustrated with the twins’ pranks.

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