The Leaky Cauldron

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of these characters except Aria Stevens. Everyone else belongs to J.K. Rowling.

The Leaky Cauldron

            I woke up tasting red velvet cake. And smelling it. Why was I smelling it? Had the wedding dream really gotten more realistic that I could smell Fred’s scent when I woke up? I opened my eyes and grinned. Fred and I were lying in my bed and my head was on his chest. That’s why I could smell his scent so well. His right arm was holding me to him and I could hear the faint sounds of his breathing. He was still asleep. I just laid there and breathed in his scent deeply so my mind could fill up with it. I ran my finger along his abs and chest and wished he’d gotten into bed with his shirt off. He refused, though, because my parents were in the room too. Maybe I should move their portrait into the sitting room.

            Fred’s hand started rubbing my side and I grinned as I looked at his smiling face. “Good morning, Air.” He said.

            “Good morning, Fred.” I echoed.

            “So, what are we going to do this fine Saturday?” He kept rubbing my side.

            “Stay in bed.” I answered and he grinned more.

            “Now that sounds good to me.” Both of our stomachs growled from hunger. “But I think our stomachs need food.”

            I laughed. “Then let’s go eat.” We both stood up and I went over to my parents’ portrait. I pulled open the curtain and my parents were smiling at me. “Good morning Mum, Dad.”

            “Good morning, Princess.” They said. “And good morning, Fred.”

            “Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Stevens.” Fred told them and touched my shoulder.

            “What’s on the agenda today?” My dad asked.

            “Breakfast and moving you two in the sitting room.” I answered. “Not that I don’t love that you’re in there but I do need my privacy.”

            Mum smiled. “That’s understandable, Princess.”

            “Do you want me to do that now?” Fred asked and I looked at him.

            “Sure and I’ll get breakfast going.”

            Fred carefully grabbed my parents’ portrait and followed me out of the room. I went into the kitchen and had the waffles start making themselves. I then watched Fred as he hammered a nail into the wall. He was really hot when he was working with tools. I grinned at that as George came out of his room and groaned, “Bloody hell. It’s eight in the morning. Some of us do sleep in.”

            “Sorry.” Fred apologized and put the hammer down.

            “We’re moving my parents out here.” I explained as George sat at the table.

            “And it couldn’t have waited until later?” George asked angrily and tiredly.

            “No.” Fred and I said as Fred hung up the portrait.

            “There you are Mr. and Mrs. Stevens.” Fred said.

            “Thank you, Fred.” My mum smiled.

            “You have a nice place up here, boys.” My father said as Fred joined me in the kitchen.

            “Thanks, Mr. Stevens.” George told him; sounding a little happier.

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