Ron's Memory

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of these characters except Aria Stevens. Everyone else belongs to J.K. Rowling.

Ron’s Memory

            I could smell the red velvet cake and taste it as well. That was my new favorite way of waking up every morning. Fred had been sleeping in my room with me since that Saturday morning and it already felt normal. My head was on his bare chest and my hand on his abs. I had finally gotten him to sleep without his shirt on on the condition I slept with that shirt on over my bra and underwear. I agreed, of course, and both of us went to bed happy that way. My fingers traced the outlines of his muscles and I smiled happily. I still couldn’t believe Fred was finally mine. It felt like a dream and if anyone would pinch me, I’d wake up. What if it was a dream? Maybe I was in a coma or something and this was all a dream. I closed my eyes tight and pinched my arm. It hurt but I didn’t want to open my eyes in case Fred wasn’t lying by me. The small of red velvet cake could just be a mirage.

            “What are you doing?” Fred’s voice asked and I opened my eyes to look at him.

            Sure enough, he was still there and I sighed with relief. “Making sure this wasn’t a dream.” I answered him as he started rubbing my back.

            “It’s not, Love. This is a very good reality.” He kissed my head and grinned at his new nickname for me.

            “Good. I’d hate for this to not be.”

            “Me too.” He closed his eyes. “I’m tired.”

            I nodded. “Me too. Neville’s party was fun though.” The previous day was Neville’s birthday and we’d all went to his party at his grandmother’s. That woman sure knows how to throw a party.

            “Yeah it was.” He opened his eyes and grinned at me. “And tonight will be too.”

            “Yeah it will.”

            There was a pounding on the door and George’s voice yelled, “Aria! Fred! Come on! We have to open the store!”

            Fred and I both groaned and got off the bed. Fred pecked my lips before leaving my room and I grabbed a pair of underwear, a bra, and a blue sundress before going out of my room to the shower. George was coming out of his room when I was headed to the bathroom and he grinned. “Now this I like.” He said and I rolled my eyes.

            “No, you don’t.” Fred said as he joined his brother.

            “But I do.”

            “Now, now.” I said and smiled at the boys. “George can look.” Fred looked at me with shock and I touched his chest, right above his heart. “You know where my heart belongs.”

            He grinned and touched my hand. “That I do.”

            “That’s not fair. I’m the better looking one.” George pouted and I smiled.

            “That you are but even the ugly need love too.” I winked at Fred and stood straight. “Now if you excuse me, I have to shower.”

            I walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I hoped Fred knew I was only joking. That he was a perfect and very good looking. I showered quickly so I could make sure he knew that. I got dressed then went out into the sitting room where Fred was sitting on the couch. I sat by him and he handed me a muffin. “Have a nice shower?” He asked with a grin.

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