About Time

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of these characters except Aria Stevens. Everyone else belongs to J.K. Rowling.

About Time

Nine Months Later

            I woke up to extremely loud voice on June fifth. I was lying next to Fred in our room at the Burrow where we were staying for our wedding. I still couldn’t believe I was getting married. Hell, I couldn’t believe I was two months pregnant with Fred’s twins. Yes, twins. Fred didn’t know yet and neither did anyone else. I had just found out myself the previous day and I thought it’d be a great surprise for Fred at our reception. I had a little bump but no one could tell. I yawned and put a hand on my stomach. The voices continued and soon the door flew open; causing Fred to jump. Hermione and Ginny were in there and they had their hair in curls for the wedding. They grabbed my arm and started pulling me out of the bed.

            “Whoa, wait.” Fred said and pulled me back to him. “Where are you taking Air?”

            “She needs to shower.” Hermione said and grabbed my arm again.

            “So do you.” Ginny told her brother. “You guys only have three hours before you get married.”

            A smile crossed my lips and I looked back at Fred. “I don’t think I can wait.”

            “Neither do I.” He kissed my heart scar.

            “Come on!” Hermione pulled me up. “You guys will see each other in a couple hours.”

            Fred pouted. “Now I really can’t wait.”

            Ginny rolled her eyes. “Go shower.” She told him and closed the door as we entered the hall.

            Charlie came downstairs then and he smiled at me. I was glad I was wearing Fred’s shirt or else I would’ve been exposed. That would’ve gone over well with Fred and Emma. Hermione pushed me into the bathroom and said, “Shower quickly. We’ll watch the door.” She closed it and I sighed.

            I showered quickly like I was told and then put on the clean clothes that were waiting for me. I went back into the hall and the girls had dragged me into mine and Fred’s room. Ginny made sure that Fred had gotten his clothes and everything before she closed the door. Fred was wearing a white shirt and nice looking jeans; which I said wasn’t like the dream. He said he wanted to be comfortable and not look like a penguin when we got married. Mrs. Weasley was upset about this but let him do it since George had worn a suit when him and Angelina got married in May.

            Hermione and Ginny started with my hair. I specifically told them I wanted it curly like in the dream. They thought this was boring but it’s what I wanted. Fleur, Emma, and Mrs. Weasley soon came in to see how everything was going. Emma brought in my parents’ portrait and my mum was smiling at me. Ginny started on my makeup and they were all saying how beautiful I was. I just wanted this all over with so I could finally be Mrs. Aria Weasley. A smile crossed my face just thinking about that.

            There was soon only an hour and a half left until I was getting married and everyone but Mrs. Weasley, Ginny, and Hermione left because they were helping me with my dress. Oh, my dress. It was exactly like the one in the dream. Fred and I were shopping one day and I saw it. It had the same silver flower stitched into the silk fabric and had the same silver flowers into the silk fabric and everything. I bought it on the spot. It was fate that it was in that store that day.

            Ginny and Hermione slipped the dress over my head and over my body. I was lucky the waist wasn’t tight with the little baby bump I had. Hermione straightened the dress while Ginny zipped it up and Mrs. Weasley got tears in her eyes. “Aria, you look beautiful.” She smiled happily.

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