The Truth Comes Out

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of these characters except Aria Stevens. Everyone else belongs to J.K. Rowling.

The Truth Comes Out

Fred’s POV

            I woke up with tear crusted eyes. I had been crying myself to sleep every night for the past week. I was a git for cheating on Aria. But did it really count as cheating? I wasn’t sure. I know if I saw her kissing someone else, I’d react just like she did. Probably worse actually. I would’ve killed the guy. But that was the difference between Aria and myself. I sighed and remembered how I got into this mess.

            Raychel and I were sitting on my old bed and were testing some new and old products for the shop. She had grabbed a Love Potion that was supposed to only work for an hour and handed it to me. “Here. Try this one.”

            I shook my head. “No. It’s a Love Potion.”

            “But what if it doesn’t work?” She raised an eyebrow at me. Her thick Australian accent was amazing. It’s what made me want to date her when I first met her. I had kept her a secret, though, because I had just broken up with Angelina and didn’t want to seem like a player. That wasn’t me. But now I loved Aria and I would forever. “Come on, Fred. Just try it.”

            I sighed and drank the Love Potion. The effects didn’t kick in very fast and I thought it didn’t work. But I soon started flirting with Rachel and she didn’t do anything to stop me. We began kissing which led to making out. My hands roamed up her shirt when something hit my back. “Ow! What the…” I looked up and saw Aria standing there with tears in her eyes and the Love Potion wore off. My heart was instantly aching and I looked down at Raychel. She just smiled and I looked back at Aria. “Aria…” She quickly left the room and I heard her go into ours. I got up and followed her. She was throwing my things into the hallway and tears were rolling down her cheeks. “Aria, stop!” I yelled and grabbed her hands.

            “Let me go!” She yelled through tears. “You are a fucking arse!” She pushed me and I stumbled. I didn’t know she was that strong.

            She continued throwing my things into the hall and I stood there; watching her. I had to explain to her what happened. “Aria, please! I can explain!”

            “No you can’t, Fred!” She glared at me. “I saw you making out with that tramp!”

            “She’s not a tramp.” I told her. I don’t know why I felt the need to defend Raychel but I did. “But if you’d listen…”

            “I’m not going to!” She threw a picture at me and I caught it. I looked down and saw it was a picture of us with our Patronuses. I didn’t know she had this picture. I looked back at her and she yelled, “I hate you!”

            My heart broke right then. She hated me. God, what did I do? “What’s going on?” George asked as him, Lee, Hermione, and Ron came in the room.

            “Get out.” Aria grabbed my arms and pushed me into the hall; ignoring George’s question.

            “Aria, please.” I begged and fought back tears.

            “You cheated. We’re done.” She glared at someone behind me. It must’ve been Raychel.

            I sighed as I thought about that. It still broke my heart. It didn’t help that Mum yelled at me that day. Like I already didn’t hate myself for it, she had to yell at me.

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