Staying the Night

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of these characters except Aria Stevens. Everyone else belongs to J.K. Rowling.

Staying the Night

            I woke up on Friday from the wedding dream again. A smile was planted on my face and I looked outside; hoping it was sunny. It wasn’t, though. Rain was pouring outside and I frowned. I quickly ran over to the window and closed the curtains. I didn’t want to see the dreary weather. I then sighed and went over to my dress; taking out a pair of jeans, a red tank, and underwear. I then went out into the hall and noticed the bathroom door was closed. I sighed again as I sat down on the floor outside the bathroom door and waited patiently for whoever it was in there to come out. So, I started thinking about the dream. I couldn’t help it anymore. It was the first thing on my mind every day. I swear every time I had the dream, Fred’s smile kept getting bigger. He really seemed to love me. In the dream at least; which was a good thing. I was falling for Draco. Now the thought of him made me smile. I couldn’t wait for our second date. Over the week, Draco met me outside the shop and we’d talk before I went inside. We had even gotten to kissing but not full on snogging yet. But that would probably change during our date.

            “Aria!” A familiar voice yelled and I jumped. I should really stop thinking about Draco. I looked up to see Fred standing there smiling at me. “Perverted thoughts about Draco?” He asked.

            I shook my head as I stood up. “No. I was just thinking of my date tonight.”

            He nodded. “Right. Going over to his lair again.” He grinned.

            “Shut up, Fred.” I told him as I went into the bathroom.

            “Just remember, kissing leads to snogging leads to some nookie.” Fred said as I closed the door.

            Sometimes I wish he never knew I was dating Draco. Though, he seemed to be enjoying himself with teasing me. I rolled my eyes and undressed. The water hitting my body felt good and I loved how easily I could relax when I had a good dream. I didn’t miss the nightmare at all. After I got dressed and dried my hair, I walked into the hall to find Fred still standing there and I laughed. “Someone spying on me?” I joked and crossed my arms.

            He smirked. “No. Just waiting to use the loo.”

            I raised an eyebrow. “You were just in here.”

            He nodded. “Yes but I didn’t have to go then. Now move aside, Air, or I’ll go right here.” He went to unzip his pants and I covered my eyes.

            “Oh my God! Go into the bathroom!” I yelled as I moved out of the way.

            He started laughing. “I thought you’d see it my way.” I heard the door close and I uncovered my eyes.

            I sighed with relief that he didn’t expose himself and went into my room to grab my wand and put on a pair of Converse. I then left my room and bumped into Fred. What was with this? We both tumbled to the ground and I was on top of him. I looked into his brown eyes and he smirked. “If you wanted to be on top of me, all you had to do was ask.” He said.

            I rolled my eyes and stood up. “No thanks.” I told him.

            “Ah, I’m only joking.” He smiled as he stood up by me. “No need for the serious face.”

            I smiled. “Sorry. Let’s go eat so we can get to work.”

            “Or get to Draco.” Fred said as we walked downstairs.

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