The Flat

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of these characters except Aria Stevens. Everyone else belongs to J.K. Rowling.

The Flat

            I woke up with the taste of red velvet cake again in my mouth like every morning for the past week. I had gotten used to it, thank God, and since I’ve made sure Draco and I snogged every morning before work, I had stopped thinking about Fred so much. Fred and I were getting back to normal and I was relieved. I was also excited to be moving in with him and George that day.

            I sat up in my bed and looked around the empty room. All of my things were in boxes and were waiting to be moved to the flat in the shop. I had left out a pair of clothes for that day and a box was open so I could put my pajamas in it. There was a tap on the door and Fred’s voice said, “Come on, Aria. Mum wants us to eat before we move things over to the flat.”

            “Alright. I’m getting dressed.” I told him and got out of bed.

            I quickly changed into the jeans and t-shirt I had left out then put my pajamas in the open box before closing it. There. My room was all packed. I smiled and went out into the hall. I couldn’t believe it was my last time waking up in the Burrow. It felt weird but I was excited to be in the flat. I skipped down the stairs and went into the kitchen; greeting everyone with a smile.

            “Well, someone’s excited about the move.” Ginny commented with a grin.

            “She’s more excited than us.” George and Fred said together.

            I laughed and sat by Fred. “I’m just happy.”

            “And I’m glad these two will have someone to cook for them so they won’t be eating junk.” Mrs. Weasley said.

            “Us?” Fred asked.

            “Eat junk?” George added.

            “Never.” The twins said together.

            I rolled my eyes. “Yeah. Looks like I’m going to have my hands full.” I joked.

            “Oh, very funny.” Fred ruffled my hair.

            “I know.” I grinned at him and for a split second, I looked at his lips. My mind started to wander about kissing him but I pushed that thought away quickly.

            “Alright, let’s eat so we can move!” George yelled and ate the rest of his breakfast quickly. Fred and I laughed and ate the rest of our breakfast.

            After we were all done eating, everyone started helping Fred, George, and I move things to the flat. This was done by apparating back and forth between the Burrow and the flat. Ginny and Hermione helped me with my boxes and Ron and Harry with Fred and George’s. Mrs. Weasley was bringing us some food to start us off with and making sure we had enough cleaning products. Since I had so little in my room, Hermione, Ginny, and I had to get the rest of my things from the garage. Things like my records, record player, some movies, and books. Us girls were done before the boys were and we waited at the flat for them to be done.

            Once they were, we had to tell Mrs. Weasley a million times that we were going to be fine. She kept insisting we went to the Burrow and eat lunch there but we told here we weren’t hungry. After twenty minutes, Ginny finally got her to agree on going. Fred, George, and I started yelling after they apparated.

            “Alright, alright.” I laughed after a minute and the twins looked at me. “Let’s start unpacking. I’ll start out here so whatever you guys want not in your room leave out here.”

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