Sweet Dreams

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of these characters except Aria Stevens. Everyone else belongs to J.K. Rowling.

Sweet Dreams

            In the morning, I was woken up again by the nightmare. I hated it with every part of my body. I hated Bellatrix Lestrange and that she tried killing me and Fred. My body was once again covered in sweat and I sighed angrily. I was glad that Fred and George were going to be finished with the Sweet Dreams pill that day and I prayed to God it was actually going to work this time. I sat up and looked out the window as another sunny day lit up everything outside. I got off my bed and grabbed my robe before going out to the bathroom to take a shower. I tried relaxing again but couldn’t. So, I quickly washed my hair and body before getting out and putting on my robe. I put my dirty clothes into the hamper then walked out into the hall.

            George was sitting right by the bathroom door and smiled up at me as I walked out. “Hello, Aria. Beautiful morning.” He said and he eyed my attire.

            “I bet it is, George.” I smiled as I went back into my bedroom and closed my door.

            I put on a pair of jean shorts, a blue tank top, and an orange jacket before putting my hair up into a ponytail. I sighed at my appearance and could see the darkness under my eyes from my lack of sleep. I walked out of my room and went down to the kitchen to find Ron and Hermione already eating the omelets and sausage that Mrs. Weasley had made. I joined them and soon Ginny, Fred, and George joined us. Fred grinned at me and said, “So, Air. George told me about the beautiful view he got from the hallway this morning.”

            I rolled my eyes. “Really? The only view I had was of George gawking at me.” I smiled at George.

            “Well, the view from my eyes was pretty wonderful.” George smirked.

            “Alright. Leave Aria alone.” Mrs. Weasley told the twins as she sat at the table with us. “What is everyone up to today?” She asked.

            “I’m going to visit Luna.” Ginny answered. “She’s been wanting me over for a while and I think today is a good day to see her.”

            “We’re visiting Hagrid again.” Hermione told Mrs. Weasley. “He received a dragon last night and he wants us to see it. He also wants Ron to write Charlie to see if he’ll come over and look it over. See what kind it is.”

            “We’ll be working on products for the shop.” Fred and George answered in unison.

            “I’m going to catch up on some reading.” I said.

            “Well, that sounds fun.” Mrs. Weasley smiled at all of us.

            Once I was done eating, I took my dishes to the sink and washed them quickly. I then stacked them with the clean dishes and turned around to go to my bedroom. I screamed as two red haired boys appeared in front of me and they laughed. I hit both Fred and George before yelling, “You don’t have to apparate in the house!”

            “We do when we need to scare you.” George laughed.

            I rolled my eyes. “Whatever.” I went passed them but they grabbed my arms. I looked at them irately and asked, “What do you want?”

            “We’re done with the pill.” Fred told me with a smile.

            “And you want me to use it now?” I asked and they nodded. “Alright. Give it here.” I stuck out my hand and George put a small white box containing the blue pill.

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