Broken Hearts

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of these characters except Aria Stevens. Everyone else belongs to J.K. Rowling.

Broken Hearts

            I woke up on Friday from the wedding dream. A grin was on my face and I looked up at the boy next to me. Fred looked completely amazing as he slept. I still couldn’t believe I was lucky enough to have this guy. I rubbed his chest and felt his arm tightened its grip on me. His eyes were still closed so I wasn’t sure if he was awake or still sleeping. I continued to rub his chest and he looked at me. “Well, good morning, Love.” He kissed my forehead. “I had a pleasant dream of us being married.”

            I grinned. “I did too.”

            “Then can this be the honeymoon?” He started kissing my neck and I moaned.

            “Mmhmm.” I mumbled and he maneuvered his way on top of me.

            Fred continued kissing my neck and I had my hands in his hair. I soon pulled his face up to mine and we kissed patiently. He pressed his body against mine and I felt his hands wonder up my shirt and onto my back. He lifted us both up then took off my shirt. We were both now in our underwear and my heart raced more as his stomach touched mine. He kissed my lips and I opened my mouth so our tongues could intertwine. His hands were on my back and he unhooked my bra.

            “Aria, Fred, Mum says breakfast is ready!” Ron yelled from the hallway.

            Fred looked into my eyes and his hands were still behind my back holding my bra closed. “Did he ruin the mood?” He asked through heavy breaths.

            It was my decision. I could say no and Fred and I would make love. It would be my first time. What if I was loud? I really didn’t want the whole house to know what Fred and I were doing. That would be embarrassing. So, I nodded and said, “Yeah, he did.”

            Fred groaned and hooked my bra back. “I’m going to kill him.” He threatened and got up.

            I stood up by him and held his hand. “We’ll do it soon.” I kissed his cheek. “I promise.”

            He grinned and wrapped his arms around me. “Good.”

            I rolled my eyes and we parted to get dressed. I got on a pair of jeans and put Fred’s shirt back on. Even though he was standing right next to me, I took a deep breath of his scent off the shirt and grinned. Fred smiled and kissed the top of my head before pulling on his jeans and an orange shirt. We both then put on our shoes and grabbed hands before leaving the room. We walked downstairs and joined everyone in the kitchen. Lee was sitting in there too and was shoving muffins in his mouth. Ron was too and Hermione sighed. Fred and I sat down between Harry and George and watched the boys eat. Mrs. Weasley soon scolded them and we all laughed.

            After breakfast, Lee, George, Fred, and I went out into the garden and sat at the table. “So, what are we going to do today?” Lee asked.

            “Another round of tag?” George suggested and smile at me and Fred. “Though with those two it might be something else.”

            I rolled my eyes. “Shut up, George.”

            “What about exploding snap?” Fred suggested.

            “No.” George and I said in unison and Fred and Lee laughed.

            “Let’s just play tag.” I said.

            “But in the garden where the protection spells are.” Fred added.

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