The Cruciatus Curse

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of these characters except Aria Stevens. Everyone else belongs to J.K. Rowling.

The Cruciatus Curse

Fred’s POV

            My mouth only tasted strawberries and my mind was only thinking of Aria; like every day before that because of the dream where we were getting married. I wish I could just tell Aria that I love her but that one day I did the opposite and told her I didn’t like her. Why was I such a git? I sighed. I was just glad we were friends again and that she liked the portrait I had made for her. She has been talking to her parents every day and came out of her room happy which made me instantly happy. I loved when she was happy. It made everything so much better. I heard music coming from the sitting room and an angelic voice reached my ears. I grinned and knew that Aria was singing. That was one of my favorite sounds.

            I got out of my bed and opened my door to go out to the sitting room. I closed the door so George wouldn’t wake up and leaned against the wall to watch Aria. She was in a black sundress and Converse and her hair was up in a ponytail. She was cleaning the kitchen while some eggs were frying themselves and was singing along to “Do You Want to Know a Secret” by the Beatles. She danced as she cleaned and I just grinned as I watched her. She was perfect and I wish I was her boyfriend. My life would be perfect then.

            Aria’s blue eyes looked at me and she stopped dancing and singing. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.” She apologized and turned down the record player.

            “You didn’t, Aria.” I walked towards her. “I was up and heard you and decided to watch the show before breakfast.” I smiled.

            “Well, if it was a show then you have to pay up.” She stuck out her hand. “That’ll be twenty galleons.”

            “How about a kiss?” I suggested and got closer to her. For almost a week I’ve been trying to get her to kiss me again. She thinks it’s because I like her kisses, which I do, but she thinks I don’t like her. If only she knew the truth.

            Aria shook her head. “Nope. These lips are reserved for Draco.” She grinned and I rolled my eyes.

            “You’re a cruel witch, Aria.”

            “I know.” She went into the kitchen and dishes started setting themselves on the table.

            “Morning.” George said as he came out of our room.

            “Morning.” Aria and I said together.

            “George, you look horrible.” Aria commented and I looked at my twin. He really did look horrible. His eyes were dark and he looked exhausted.

            “Thanks.” He smiled and sat at the table. “I had a bad dream.”

            “What was it?” I asked as I sat by him.

            “You and Aria were dead at the battle. Seemed real.” He rubbed his eyes.

            “George, look at us.” Aria said. “Fred and I are very much alive. More so then two people really should be.” She smiled and put a plate of eggs on the table.

            “I know but it shook me up.” He looked at Aria. “Maybe a kiss will make it better?” He grinned mischievously.

            “Alright.” Aria sighed and kissed his cheek.

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