The Break Out

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of these characters except Aria Stevens. Everyone else belongs to J.K. Rowling.

The Break Out

            I woke up and tasted red velvet cake like always. A grin was placed on my face and I turned my head to look at the picture of Fred and I with our Patronuses. I was happy to know that Fred loved me but hated that he didn’t want to hear about my deal with Draco. I sighed as I got up and walked to my wardrobe in my dark room. The curtains were closed as an order from my father after I told him and my mum about someone using the Cruciatus Curse on me. That spell was more painful than I knew. I never wanted to be put through that again. Though, it was nice having Fred to comfort me. I smiled as I got out a pair of shorts and a tank top. I quickly changed before going over to the portrait and pulled the curtain open. My parents were standing there with a smile and I grinned at them.

            “Good morning, Princess.” They said.

            “Morning Mum, Dad.” I sat own in the chair in front of the picture.

            “Pleasant dream?” Mum asked and I nodded.

            “The wedding dream is always a pleasant one.” I told her. “So, any ideas on how I’m going to get Fred to listen to me?” I had spent most of the night with my parents trying to think of something to get him to listen.

            “No.” My father said.

            “I still think you should write a letter.” Mum told me.

            “But what if he doesn’t read it?” I asked; worried that he wouldn’t.

            “I’m sure he will, Princess. You just have to let him.”

            I sighed and got a piece of parchment from my desk along with a quill and ink. I sat back down and started writing this letter:

            Dear Fred,

            Since you won’t listen to me, I’m going to write you this letter. I’ve tried to explain this to you but you just won’t listen. There is nothing more than friendship happening between Draco and I. We are only together to make you and Astoria jealous. Now that you told me you love me, I don’t have to be with Draco but I want to be. It’s not that I fancy him I swear. I just want to help him get Astoria that’s all. He is my friend and I owe him that since he helped me with you. Just please understand. I do love you, Fred. I will always.

            Love, Aria

            I folded the letter and stuck it in an envelope. I put Fred’s name on it and looked at my parents. “There. Now to give it to him.” I stood up.

            “Good luck, Princess.” Mum said happily as I left the room.

            Fred and George were sitting at the table eating and I went over to Fred. “Here.” I handed him the letter.

            He took it and looked up at me curiously. “What is it?”

            I sat down. “It explains what’s going on between Draco and I. Since you won’t listen to me, I want you to read it.”

            He put it in his pocket. “I’ll read it later.” He stood up and put his plate in the sink. “I have to go finish stocking the shelves before we open.”

            I sighed. “Alright.” And Fred left the flat. I looked over at George and asked, “Do you think he’ll read it?”

            He shrugged. “Probably. Just needs to talk himself into it.” He stood up and went into the kitchen. “I’ll go encourage him to.”

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