Lost in Desperation

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of these characters except Aria Stevens. Everyone else belongs to J.K. Rowling.

Lost in Desperation

Fred’s POV

            I was running out to the Clock Tower Courtyard and my heart was happy. Aria, my beautiful Aria, had agreed to marry me. We were going to get married. Suddenly I didn’t care we were in the middle of a battle. Everything just felt right. I looked back to smile at Aria but she wasn’t there. I stopped dead in my tracks and fear filled my body. Where was she? She was just with me. My heart started racing with panic and I felt an arm grab me. “Where is she?” Aria’s cousin Jude asked and I just looked around for her. “Fred, where the hell is Aria?!”

            “I don’t know!” I yelled at him and pushed him away.

            I ran back to where I proposed but she wasn’t there. Jude had followed and he said, “You were supposed to keep her with you.” Anger was in his voice but I didn’t care. I only wanted to find her. “You lost her.”

            “Shut up!” I yelled at him and clenched my fists. “I had my back turned for one minute! I have to find her and you’re not helping!” I pushed him and ran off.

            Where would she be? Maybe she was with George or Lee. Maybe Harry would’ve seen her. I looked all over for a glimpse of her or even of someone who might know where she was. I asked Dean but he had no clue. Neither did Luna and Neville. I went to the Great Hall and George looked at me curiously. I ran over to him and he asked, “Fred, where’s Aria?”

            I took a deep breath. “You haven’t seen her?”

            He shook his head. “No. She was with you.”

            “She’s gone.” I don’t know if she ran off or if someone took her.” I felt tears build up but I didn’t want to cry. “I have to find her.”

            George nodded. “I’ll help you. I’ll look up the Grand Staircase and you go wherever you feel she might go.” He ran off.

            That was the problem. She would be with me if she could be anywhere. Someone had to of taken her. That’s the only thing that made sense. But where would they have taken her? There were a million places in Hogwarts she could be. And what if she wasn’t in Hogwarts anymore? I had to find Harry so he could see inside her mind. He’d know where she was. I ran around looking for Harry. He wasn’t where I had seen him last. I groaned and ran with everything I had. Aria was the only thing going through my mind. I spotted Ginny in the Transfiguration Courtyard and knew Harry would be with her. Sure enough, I saw him when I turned the corner. I ran to him and pulled him where no one was fighting. Ginny came with and looked at me curiously as I held Harry to the wall and said, “You have to see into her mind.”

            “Who’s?” Harry asked.

            “Now is not the time for dumb questions!” I yelled. “Aria’s!”

            “Fred, calm down.” Ginny told me. “Where is she?”

            I looked at Ginny angrily. “I don’t know. That’s why I need Harry to look into her mind and see.”

            “Just a second.” Harry said and then said, “Legilimens.”

            I waited impatiently for just a word. Any word that would tell me where she was. I was ready to run there. Harry opened his eyes and I asked, “Well?”

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