Seeing Death Eaters

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of these characters except Aria Stevens. Everyone else belongs to J.K. Rowling.

Seeing Death Eaters

            A bright light woke me up in the morning. I held my eyes closed tightly as I groaned then blinked them until I was use to the sun. A bird was chirping nearby and I could hear someone breathing. Actually, the person was under my head. My head was lying on Fred’s chest and his right arm was holding me to him. My right leg was draped over his legs and my hand was on his stomach. And I thought the dream was perfect. This was way better. This was one of my new favorite things; right under kissing Fred. I grinned happily and closed my eyes to keep the moment going. I wanted it to last forever. Nothing bad would happen and I’d be with Fred. This was my heaven.

            I felt Fred move and his hand rubbed the side of my body. I looked up to see him smiling happily and he said, “Good morning.”

            “Good morning.” I echoed and put my head back on his chest. “How did you sleep?”

            “Great. I had you by me.” He kissed the top of my head and I grinned. “How about you?”

            “Same.” I rubbed his chest and stomach with my hand. I felt his abs and smiled more.

            “It’s nine. The store’s open.” Fred rubbed my side.

            “Should we go down and see if it’s busy?” I looked back into his beautiful brown eyes.


            The two of us got up and headed for the stairs hand-in-hand. It felt normal for us to be holding hands. Like we’ve been doing it for years. I guess that was a perk for being friends first. Our hands separated though as we saw the shop and, to my surprise, it was busy. Fred and I quickly got on our robes and joined George on the stairs to greet the customers. “You two are finally awake.” George said with a grin. “I tried waking you but Aria kicked me.”

            I laughed. “I don’t remember that but sorry.”
            “It’s fine.”

            “So, how was your date with Angelina?” I looked at him curiously.

            “Amazing. More than amazing. We’re going out again tonight.”

            “That’s great, George.” I smiled at him.

            “So, what did you to do last night?” He grinned and eyed us suspiciously.

            “We had a date.” Fred answered and I looked at him.

            “Not so loudly. I’m still with Draco, remember?” I scolded him.

            He sighed. “We had dinner then went to look at the stars like always.” He said less enthusiastically.

            “There you go.” I smiled.

            “Astoria still doesn’t want to be with Malfoy?” George asked and I shrugged.

            “I don’t know. He hasn’t said anything.”

            “That girl needs a push.” Fred said. “I want to be with you.”

            I nodded. “I know.” I looked outside and saw Draco outside. He was motioning me to come outside so I said, “I’ll be back.”

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