The Battle of Hogwarts

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of these characters except Aria Stevens. Everyone else belongs to J.K. Rowling. I also do NOT own any of the excerts from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. J.K. Rowling also owns it. I just used it for this chapter only.

The Battle of Hogwarts


            I was standing in the Great Hall with all the other Hogwarts students. Everyone knew something big was going to happen. Especially since I had just seen Harry in the Room of Requirement. Dumbledore’s Army had been hiding in there for a long time and we were preparing for this. Everyone in the Great Hall was talking about what was going on. Those of us who knew were talking battle strategies and those who didn’t were wondering what was going on. The Houses were sitting at their tables; waiting on instructions for what to do. I knew Professor McGonagall had to get the underage kids out of the school safely before the fight. More people started coming in and I scanned them for the two faces I had been missing since I saw them at Christmas. I needed to see them. I had to know my best friends were ok; even if nothing was going on yet. I finally spotted the two, tall, red haired, freckled, almost identical boys coming into the Great Hall. I stood quickly and pushed my way through the students coming to sit in their seats. I pulled the boys into a hug before they knew it was me.

            “Whoa, Air.” Fred said and they hugged me back.

            “Thank God. I’ve been worrying.” I told them as I released them.

            “You always worry about us.” George pointed out.

            “That’s because I don’t get to see you often.” I pouted.

            “Well after today you’ll get to see us whenever you want.” Fred assured me.

            “Aria, you’ll never believe this but Percy is actually here.” George told me.

            “What?” My eyes were huge from shock and I looked as the tall, thin, red haired, freckled boy came in and it really was Percy. “Wow. I can’t believe that Ministry-loving, family-disowning, power-hungry moron is here.”

            “That’s what Fred called him!” George laughed.

            “Fred, George, you’re supposed to be waiting with Mum and Dad.” Percy said in his normal serious voice. He looked down at me with his blue eyes and fixed his glasses.

            “We wanted to make sure Aria was alright.” Fred told him.

            “Well she is now come on.”

            “No. Let them stay. They’ll be there in a minute.” I pleaded; not want to separate from my best friends.

            Percy sighed. “Alright. I’ll tell everyone you two are with her.”

            “Thanks, Perce.” George grinned at his brother before Percy left.

            “Let’s sit down.” I said and we sat at the table with the rest of the Gryffindors.

            I noticed the enchanted ceiling of the Great Hall was dark and scattered with stars. I looked at the door to see more people entering and I even saw Harry. The school ghosts were in there as well and we all became very quiet as we looked up at Professor McGonagall who was at the platform at the top of the Great Hall. The teachers were behind her along with some Order members. I had missed the first part of her speech as I looked around but started listening when my gaze looked at her.

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