An Interesting Day

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of these characters except Aria Stevens. Everyone else belongs to J.K. Rowling.

An Interesting Day

            I was really glad that I woke up from the wedding dream on Sunday. Once again, Fred’s smile had gotten bigger in it. I never knew that boy could be so happy to see me. I then looked out my window and saw it was sunny. I grinned happily and jumped out of bed to grab my clothes and take a shower. I grabbed a yellow sundress and underwear from my dresser and went out into the hall. The bathroom was free and went in. The shower felt great against my skin and I like the great mood I was in. It was so much better than the mad one I was in when I went to bed. I was still mad at Fred, though. He really didn’t know Draco and shouldn’t have said the things he did.

            After I got dressed and put my dirty clothes in the hamper, I went out into the hall and saw Fred leaning against the wall. I rolled my eyes as I walked passed him and he grabbed my arm. I looked up into his brown eyes and he said, “Aria, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you mad.”

            “Then you shouldn’t have said those things.” I told him angrily.

            He sighed. “I’m sorry. Please forgive me.” I saw a smile appear on his face.

            “Why? So you can be even more unsupportive of my relationship with Draco?” I took my arm away from him. “Fred, you’re one of my best friends. All I want is for you to act supportive but you can’t even do that.” I turned away from him and walked down to the kitchen.

            George was the only one sitting at the table and he smiled at me. “Good morning, Air.”

            “Morning, George.” I said as I sat by him and sighed.

            “Something wrong?” He asked curiously and I wondered if he even knew about the fight his twin and I had the previous night.

            “Did Fred tell you about our fight?” I asked.

            He nodded. “Yes and he regrets it.”

            “Then he shouldn’t have said them.” I crossed my arms.

            “We both know that’s not like Fred.” He grinned. “Just forgive him, Aria. Or else it’s going to be a day of him trying to get you to.”

            I rolled my eyes. “Why can’t he just apologize and let me forgive him in my own time? Why can’t he be normal?”

            George laughed. “If he was normal, then I would be. And then we’d have no fun.”

            I nodded. It was true. If Fred and George were like Harry or Ron, they wouldn’t be as much fun. “Very true, George.” I started eating the waffle in front of me.

            “Well, well. Looks like I missed a lot.” Fred said as he came into the kitchen.

            I looked around and said, “Where is everyone?”

            “Mum’s doing laundry, Dad got called into the Ministry, Harry and Ginny went to visit Teddy, and Ron went with Hermione to reverse the spell on her parents.” George answered quickly.

            “Is she moving back in with them?” I asked but the twins shrugged as Fred sat by me.

            “Probably. She really wanted to make sure no one else was going to attack before she reversed that memory loss spell on them.” Fred answered and looked into my eyes. “So, I’m forgiven?”

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