Loving Aria

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of these characters except Aria Stevens. Everyone else belongs to J.K. Rowling.

Loving Aria

Fred’s Point of View

            I woke up in the morning from the same dream I’ve been having for two weeks now. The dream that I wanted to make real more than anything else in the world. The dream I first got from the Sweet Dream pill then kept having. I had told George and Aria I had forgotten what it was but I knew it like the back of my, and George’s, hand.

            I was standing outside the Burrow under a red rose covered archway. I was wearing a black tux with a rose boutonniere pinned to it. George and Ron were both standing by me in tuxes as well while Hermione and Ginny were on the other side of the arch in long, pink dresses. Two sections of chairs were in front of me and every seat was filled my family and friends. A rose petal covered red carpet was between the two sections of chairs leading from the front door of the Burrow to the arch. The priest finally took his place under the arch and the band started playing the music; cuing my fiancé to come outside.

            The door opened and every one stood up. Aria appeared at the doorway and my heart stopped. The long, white, silver flower stitched wedding dress fit perfectly on her slender body. Her pale skin looked amazing against the midday sun. Her black hair was curled around her beautiful face and had a tiara holding up the veil. Her blue eyes wandered to everyone in the chairs and her full, red lips were curved into the biggest smile I had ever seen her wear. In her hands was a bouquet of pink and white stargazer lilies and on her ring finger was the lily cut diamond ring I had given her. She was perfect. Her gaze finally met mine and I smiled happily at her; and just as big as hers.

            Before I knew it, we were to the vows that we had both written ourselves. I was first and I grinned as I looked into her beautiful ice blue eyes. “Air, I’m completely happy this day has finally come. You are my other half, besides George but I can’t marry him.” Laughter erupted from the guests and Aria. Her laugh beautiful, like always. “And I’m glad about that because then I wouldn’t have you.” She smiled and I could see the glistening of a tear in her eye. “I love you from your blue eyes to your heart scar. And I’m glad to call you my bride.” Tears fell down her cheeks as I kissed her hand.

            “How am I to follow that?” She asked jokingly as she wiped away happy tears. She looked up into my eyes and smiled again. I never thought I’d be standing here today with you by my side. If someone would’ve said that to me a year again, I wouldn’t believe them. Actually, I would’ve laughed in their face.” Laughter came from the guests again and I just smiled; knowing perfectly well that’s what Aria would’ve done. “But I’m happy this is happening. I love you so much, Fred.”

            After the vows, the priest had us say our I do’s and then said, “I now pronounce you man and wife. Fred, you may now kiss the bride.”

            And that’s where I wake up. Every time. No matter how much I want to kiss Aria’s perfect full lips, I never do. I groaned with frustration as I sat up in my bed. My room was a mess from the products George and I had been working on the previous night and I looked across the room to see my twin was still asleep. I heard footsteps out in the hall and I jumped up to see who was out there. I opened my door just a crack to see Aria going to the bathroom. Her body looked absolutely perfect in her tank top and shorts that she always wore at night. Her long black hair was a mess but made me smile. She closed the bathroom door the second she went in and I sighed.

            I closed my door back and sat down on my bed. No one had any idea how much I wanted to hold Aria in my arms. Not even George. I have spent the past year acting like I still liked her as a best friend. But I remember the day I fell in love with her like it was yesterday.

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