The Vision

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of these characters except Aria Stevens. Everyone else belongs to J.K. Rowling.

The Vision

            The sunlight woke me up in the morning. Why was it so bright? It even seemed brighter in the wedding dream. My eyes fluttered open and I squinted from the brightness. Once I got used to the light, I realized I was outside in the garden. What had happened the previous night? Fred and I were talking and I dozed off from the Sweet Dream pill. Fred promised he would carry me inside. Why didn’t he? I felt something move on my stomach and I looked down to see an arm draped over me. I rolled over quickly to find a red haired, freckled faced boy lying next to me. Fred was still asleep and I poked him hard. His eyes opened quickly and then he looked down at me with a smile.

            “Good morning, Aria.” He said. “Came to join me in bed I see.”

            “We’re not in bed, you git. We’re in the garden!” I yelled at him; sitting up and his arm fell off my side.

            He sat and looked around. “Hmm, it seems we are.”

            “You were supposed to bring me inside after I fell asleep!”

            He looked at me innocently. “I fell asleep. I cannot control my actions while I’m asleep so I’m sorry by subconscious body did not carry you inside.”

            “There you guys are!” George yelled as he came out of the house. “Why are you out here?”

            “We fell asleep.” Fred answered his brother with a smile and George grinned.

            “You did? And what did you do before you fell asleep?” He crossed his arms.

            “A little bit of snogging.” Fred lied and I hit him.

            “We were talking, you arse.” I stood up and headed for the door.

            “Don’t dawdle, Aria. We have to leave in ten minutes.” George called after me and I closed the backdoor.

            I quickly went up to my bedroom and got on fresh clothes; which consisted in a pair of shorts and a tank top. I groaned as I combed my hair and threw it into a ponytail before grabbing my wand and going out into the hall. “I told her last night but she fell asleep. I don’t know if she heard it.” I heard Fred’s voice say from his room and I snuck over to the door to listen.

            “You should find out if she did.” George’s voice said.

            “And how am I supposed to do that?”

            “Just ask!”

            I opened the door and the red haired twins looked at me with wide eyes. “Aria! Are you ready to go?” Fred asked frantically.

            I nodded. “Yes. What were you two talking about?” I crossed my arms and looked at them quizzically.

            “Nothing.” George answered with a smile.

            “It was something.” I looked at Fred. “What did you tell me last night?”

            “When?” Fred asked curiously.

            “When I fell asleep.” I remembered he was going to tell me something but I fell asleep. “You asked if you could tell me something and I said yes but I fell asleep. What did you tell me?”

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