Ginny's Birthday

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of these characters except Aria Stevens. Everyone else belongs to J.K. Rowling.

Ginny’s Birthday

            I was woken up by noises coming from the hall the next morning. I wondered what was going on and I looked up at the boy who was lying next to me. Fred was still asleep and seemed to be unaware of the noises. I decided to go check I out and got up carefully. I pulled on a pair of jeans and left Fred’s shirt on. I opened the door and saw Harry and Ron trying to catch a Golden Snitch and a Bludger. I dunked as the Bludger came for me then looked at the boys. “Why are these inside?” I asked them.

            “I bought Ginny new Quidditch equipment for her birthday.” Harry answered as he jumped for the Snitch but missed.

            “He was showing me when they flew out of the case.” Ron added.

            “We have to catch them before Mrs. Weasley and Ginny get home.”

            “Well, good luck.” I told them as I walked down the stairs.

            Hermione was sitting in the kitchen with George and they both looked at me. “Has Ron and Harry caught the Snitch and Bludger yet?” Hermione asked and I shook my head.

            “No. They woke me up.” I said.

            “Where’s Fred?” George asked curiously.

            “Still asleep.” I sat down by him and took a waffle off the plate.

            The three of us sat and talked about Ginny’s seventeenth birthday. I was upset that I hadn’t gotten her anything. Maybe I could make her something later. We kept hearing yells and bangs coming from upstairs and Hermione rolled her eyes. She soon left the room to go help Harry and Ron while George and I went out to the garden and sat at a table. “I wonder if this would be happening if I was dead.” I thought out loud and George looked at me curiously.

            “What do you mean?” He asked.

            “I mean that maybe if Ron hadn’t saved Fred or even if Fred hadn’t saved me would this new battle be going on?” I looked into George’s eyes.

            “Aria, I honestly don’t know or want to know. But it’s not happening because you lived. It’s happening because Bellatrix lived.”

            I sighed. “But maybe if I was dead it wouldn’t be happening.”

            He hugged me. “Aria, don’t think that. You are alive and so is Fred and that’s all that matters.”

            “Aria!” A familiar voice yelled and I looked to see Fred running out the back door. He was still in his boxers and looked panicked. I stood up and he pulled me into a tight hug. “Thank God. I thought something happened.” He kept hugging me.

            “No. Harry and Ron woke me up so I went downstairs and ate then came out here with George.” I told him as he looked into my eyes.

            “Well, don’t do that. You know when you remembered and you couldn’t find me?” I nodded. “That’s what I felt like but worse.” He kissed my forehead. “I thought she got you.”

            “I’m sorry I worried you.” I touched his bare chest. “Now, go get dressed. I’ll just be out here.”

            “Ok.” He walked back towards the house and went inside.

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