Fred Weasley

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of these characters except Aria Stevens. Everyone else belongs to J.K. Rowling.

Fred Weasley

            My eyes flew open and I sat up quickly from Bellatrix trying to kill Fred and I. My heart was pounding and I was covered in a cold sweat. I ran my hands through my hair and took a deep breath to calm down. I looked around the room I was in and realized I wasn’t at the Burrow. I was at Draco’s. Right. I had stayed there overnight. I looked over to find Draco wasn’t in bed with me and I heard the shower going in the bathroom. I sighed and lied back down in the bed. I really wished that dream would go away on its own. I’d have to remember to always carry the box of the Sweet Dream pills with me at all times in case this happened again. I looked outside and saw the sun coming into the window. I smiled and heard the shower turn off. Draco soon came out of the bathroom in a pair of black boxers and he grinned at me.

            “Good morning, Aria.” He said and he sat on the bed. “Did you have a bad dream last night?” He looked into my eyes and I nodded.

            “Yeah. It’s nothing, though.” I sat up and smiled at him.

            “Draco, are you up yet?” A female voice came from the other side of the other door and Draco’s eyes widened.

            “Ugh…yeah Mum! I’m getting dressed! I’ll be down in a minute!” He yelled and looked at me. “You have to go.”

            I raised an eyebrow. “Why?”

            He grabbed my hand and wand and led me to the bathroom. “Because my parents don’t know I’m seeing you.” He let go of my hand.

            “You haven’t told them?” I asked; getting mad.

            He sighed. “Aria, it’s not that easy. My mum might understand but my dad won’t.”

            I nodded. “Ok.” I put on my jeans. “When will I see you next?”

            “Monday.” He kissed my lips. “Goodbye, Aria.”

            “Goodbye, Draco.” I smiled, grabbed the rest of my clothes, and apparated out of his bathroom.

            I was standing in my bedroom and I dropped my stuff on my bed. I sighed as I looked at the clock and saw it was a little after nine. I then went out into the hall just as Fred was coming from his. He started laughing and said, “Aria is there something you have to tell me?”

            “What?” I asked and I looked down at what I was wearing. I was still in Draco’s shirt. I forgot I was wearing that. I then looked up at Fred and my eyes were wide. “He gave me this to sleep in.” I told Fred.

            “He didn’t have anything more suitable?” He grinned.

            “I asked for this, ok?” I crossed my arms and smiled.

            He laughed again. “What is this, anyways?” Fred came over and touched the collar. He then raised an eyebrow and looked down into my eyes. “Slytherin? Switching sides now are we?”

            I rolled my eyes. “It’s just a shirt.”

            “Then you can sleep in my shirts whenever.” He smiled and I walked away from him; into my room.

            I closed the door and took of Draco’s shirt before putting on a black tank top. I then looked at myself in my mirror and saw the darkness around my eyes were back. Great. There’s no hiding I had the nightmare last night. I walked back into the hall and followed the noises coming from the kitchen. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Ron, Ginny, Fred, George, Harry, and Hermione were all sitting at the table and they smiled at me. Mrs. Weasley’s face changed to concern as she asked, “Aria, did you not take the pill last night?”

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