Missing Fred

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of these characters except Aria Stevens. Everyone else belongs to J.K. Rowling.

Missing Fred

            I hated the wedding dream. I hated it more than I have olives and trust me, I hate olives. I hated the long dress I was wearing. I hated everyone’s smiling faces looking at me. I hated Fred’s vows. I hated Fred period. I especially hated the kiss that had me tasting red velvet cake when I woke up every bloody morning. But I still wanted it to happen more than ever. It’s been a total of four days since I’ve spoken to Fred but it felt much longer. If I was in a room, he’d quickly leave. George was caught between us giving simple messages to each other and I knew he hated it. I had been the only one to sit up on the roof to look at the stars. Fred never once came out; no matter how much I prayed he would. I truly missed him. Draco and I were still acting like a couple despite this and he actually came into the store to talk or hang around for a bit. After he’d leave, I’d look at Fred but he was never looking at me.

            I woke up that Sunday wanting to go back to sleep. I wanted to hide in my room all day and never come out until Fred and I were ok again. But I couldn’t do that. I had an Occlumency lesson with Harry. I wondered how Harry was going to react seeing Fred and I not talking. I’m sure he was going to say something about it. I looked at the wall on the right side of my bed and stared at the photo of Fred and I. We were in the Room of Requirement at Hogwarts and we had just learned Expecto Patronum. My dolphin Patronus and Fred’s hyena one were floating in the air together like they were playing. Fred and I both had grins on our faces as we watched out Patronuses.

            I sighed and got up from my bed. Sun was filling my bedroom and it felt warm against my body. I went to my wardrobe and grabbed a pair of jean shorts and a purple tank top. I changed quickly then went out to the sitting room to find Fred eating cereal. I took a deep breath and walked into the kitchen casually grabbing a muffin from the plate that Mrs. Weasley sent over for us. I turned around to find Fred had left the room and I sighed. This was really killing me. I wanted to talk to him. I wanted to kiss him. I sat down at the table and picked at my muffin. George came out of his room and sat at the table. “You and Fred still fighting?” He asked and I nodded.

            “Yeah. Has he said anything to you?” I asked.

            “Just stuff about the store. Nothing about you.”

            I sighed. “I really hate this. I was only mad by what he said and now we’re no longer friends.” I felt tears penetrate my eyes. “Maybe I should move back to the Burrow.”

            George shook his head. “No. If you leave, you and Fred will never make up.”

            I knew what George said was true. If I left, Fred and I would only drift more and more a part and would never be a couple like I wanted. “I just want everything to go back to normal.”

            “Me too.”

            There was a crack and I looked by the couch to see Harry standing there. He smiled and said, “Hey Aria, George. Where’s Fred?” He came over and sat at the table.

            “I don’t know.” I answered and had my muffin throw itself away.

            “He’s probably in the office.” George said and stood up. “We have some products to repair.” He left the flat. It was true. After Fred destroyed the products, him and George have been repairing them and ordering more quickly because of the demand. It was setting them back a little bit but they were still making great money.

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