Explaining the Memory

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of these characters except Aria Stevens. Everyone else belongs to J.K. Rowling.

Explaining the Memory

            I gasped awake and tears were pouring from my eyes. Fred was dead. I was killed. I cried harder and clutched what I was holding. It wasn’t what I expected it to be. I opened my eyes quickly and found I was clutching my pillow. Not Fred. My eyes widened and I sat up quickly. I was alone in my bed and in my room. Where was Fred? My heart pounded with worry. He was always by me when I woke up. Where the bloody hell was he?! I got out of the bed quickly and ran out of my room. The flat was empty and more tears penetrated my eyes. My parents’ portrait was still covered so they wouldn’t know where Fred was. I opened the door to his and George’s room and George was still asleep in his bed. Fred wasn’t in there and I started shaking with fear. I closed the door and a tear escaped my eye.

            I went out of the flat and ran up the stairs to the roof but he wasn’t there either. I looked in the office, around the shop, and the back room but he was nowhere. Every time I looked somewhere, my heart ached. I ran out of the shop and looked up and down Diagon Alley for a glimpse of the boy. My hand was shaking uncontrollably and tears were rolling down my cheeks. “Aria?” A familiar voice asked and I turned to see Fred walking towards me.

            “Fred.” I said and I ran to him; my bare feet hitting the cold pavement.

            I crashed into Fred’s body and held onto him tightly. Tears poured from my eyes and I cried into his body. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and kissed the top of my head. “Love, what’s wrong?”

            “You… died.” I cried.

            “Aria, I’m alive. Very much alive. Ron saved me. It’s not like you remember it.”

            I looked into his eyes and shook my head. “I do. It was in my dream.”

            He sighed. “Come on. Let’s get you inside and you can tell me about it.” He held my hand and we started walking towards the shop. Fred and I walked into the shop and up to the flat. George wasn’t in the sitting room when we walked in and I was glad. I didn’t want him to hear about him seeing Fred dead then me die. Fred had us sit on the couch and he looked at me with caring eyes. “So what do you remember?” He rubbed my hand.

            “Well, you remember when I begged to come with you and George to protect the entrances, right?” I asked him; holding the tears in.

            He nodded. “Yeah. I just wanted you to be safe and I thought if you stayed in the castle you would be.”

            “I know. Lee and I went up to Gryffindor Tower and McGonagall told us to go protect the entrances so we did. Death Eaters were inside the castle already and spells were flying everywhere. I actually managed to kill someone.”

            “You killed someone?” He looked at me in shock. “Didn’t know you had it in you.” He grinned but I remained upset.

            “We went out to the Viaduct Courtyard and found it was like a war zone.” Tears filled my eyes again. “I watched Colin Creevey die.” He rubbed my arm. “Lee pulled me away from him and we helped Neville with a Death Eater. I then saw George but he wasn’t with you.”

            “We had gotten separated while we were dueling. I went with Percy.”

            I nodded. “I know. He told me. We then went our separate ways to go find you. Ginny had helped me look for you before Bill took her with him. I searched the entire castle but didn’t see a glimpse of you. After Voldemort ordered his forces out, I walked from the Seventh Floor to the Entrance Hall. Lee asked if I had found you and I hadn’t so we walked into the Great Hall.” A tear rolled down my cheek. “Lee asked how many Weasleys were standing around a body and it was all of them but you.” I looked into Fred’s eyes and he was listening intently. “It made me nervous that you weren’t around. I walked towards them slowly and my parents looked at me with sad eyes. George was blocking the body’s face and I couldn’t see who it was. George looked up at me with a tear stained face and I saw that it was you.” More tears came from my eyes. “I shook my head, refusing what I saw wasn’t true, and yelled no as I knelt down by your lifeless body. I touched your face and begged you to open your eyes as I cried. Lee tried pulling me away but I refused to go. He got me to stand and he told me you were gone. I yelled at him that you promised I’d get to see you and George whenever I wanted to after the battle. My mum tried to tell me you were in a better place but I yelled that you needed to be here.”

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