Draco's News

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of these characters except Aria Stevens. Everyone else belongs to J.K. Rowling.

Draco’s News

            I was smiling when I woke up on Monday. Now that I knew Fred has been having the same dream, both of us were smiling the biggest smiles anyone could. I felt his arm on my side and I grabbed his hand with my left. He was lying behind me with his chest and abs pressed against my back. Our legs were intertwined and I felt his breathing on my neck. That made me grin more and I laid there enjoying the moment. I heard him moan then he said, “Aria.” I carefully rolled over and look at his face. He looked tense and he squeezed eyes shut. “Aria, no. Leave her alone. Aria. Aria!” His eyes flew open and he was sweating a little bit. His face was relieved when he saw me and he pulled me into a hug. “Aria.” He kissed my cheek.

            “Bad dream?” I asked and looked into his eyes.

            He nodded and rubbed my back. “Yeah.”

            “Do you want to talk about it?”

            He shook his head. “No. It’s nothing. It’s never going to happen.”

            I sighed and rubbed his bare chest. “Fred, please. I want to know.”

            He groaned. “Alright. We were at Hogwarts and Bellatrix was torturing you with the Cruciatus Curse.”

            I sighed again. “Fred, Bellatrix is dead.”

            “I know. That’s why I said it’s not going to happen.” He kissed my forehead.

            “Aria, Fred, are you up?” George asked from the other side of the door.

            “Yeah!” I yelled and looked into Fred’s eyes. “It was only a dream.”

            He shook his head. “It was a nightmare.”

            We both got up and I took off his shirt to change. I felt his hand touch my back and I just stood there. His lips touched my scar then were on my neck. I moaned happily and his hands rubbed my side. He spun me around and kissed my lips. My heart raced and I opened my mouth to let his tongue in. His hands were on my lower back and mine were on his neck. My mind was fuzzy with his scent and I wanted more of him. His left hand slid up my back and was tough my bra strap. I could feel him trying to unhook it while we kissed and it made me grin.

            “Fred! Aria! We have to open the shop!” George yelled from the other side of the door and pounded on it.

            Fred and I parted and I laughed. “He has the same amount of good timing as Ron.”

            “That he does.” Fred agreed and pecked my lips. “I’ll see you in a minute.”

            He left my room and I went to my wardrobe. I picked out a pair of shorts and a black tank top. I got them on along with my Converse and walked out of my room. Fred was sitting on the back of the couch in a blue shirt and jeans. He grinned and walked over to me. “You should just move your things into my room.” I told him. “You’re in there just as much as I am.”

            He held my hands. “Like us living together?”

            I rolled my eyes. “We’re already doing that, you git. I mean, you and I sharing a room.” I smiled.

            “That sounds wonderful.” He put his forehead to mine. “I’ll move in tonight.”

            “Would you two come on?!” George yelled. “We have to open the shop!”

The Girl with the Heart Scar (A Fred Weasley Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now