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The sirens got closer and I began to run. I ran for hours and not tired when I stopped I can't be tired. The cops stopped by now and I started to walk home. Thinking of Tyler and Andy. I like them both but only one is nice to me. I've only known Tyler for a day. But I've known Andy for years. Then I saw Andy. He walked up to me and pinned me against the metal fence so my stomach is facing the fence and my back was facing Andy. He whispered into my ear "Listen here Max I have something to talk to you about. I'll tell the cops that you vandalized those buildings and let out those little well. Pictures that you sent me if you don't stop talking to Tyler and reject me." Oh God "Okay Andy I'll be with you" he smirked and hit me in the face "thanks". I run home and try to find my razors cause I feel like crying and this is the only way. "Bye Tyler"... I stay in bed for hours. I did want to get up. I couldn't. I just want to die here. Today was a day off so I have time to tie a rope and find out ways to kill myself. Tyler was the only one I could talk to. So I text the person close to Tyler. Josh. I text him

Max:Hi Josh.
Josh:Ay Max.
Max:Josh I really need to talk to you.
Josh:About what?
Max:Wait um never mind.
Josh:Uhhh okay then? Bye Max.
Max:Bye Josh.

We finally finish texting because I feel like Andy would do much worse if I told anyone and it makes me sick. Why do I even love him I love Tyler not him. Tyler was the only thing in my head for the longest time. But some how I've only known him for a day. Then I got a call from Andy. I answer it and say "hi Andy" "hi bitch" "what do you want Andrew?" "DON'T EVER CALL ME BY THAT NAME AGAIN" "okay Andy" "I got to go now bye whore" I hung up and thought myself to sleep since I can't cry. Before school I put on a black shirt black skinnys blue toms and my red beanie. I walk to school looking at what I have done to my body and I didn't regret it. Not at all. I finally get to school and see Andy standing there almost waiting for me so I walk up to him and he slams his lips into mine harshly. My misfit will be released tonight and I'll run as fast as I can to get away from the cops. The bell rings and I have a class with Sophia. She was a perky girl with feelings. I sat thru all my classes and lunch emotionless then I left school did my makeup and changed into the Misfit. I didn't control her she controlled herself and got two tattoos one on her arm that says 'The Misfit' and on my stomach that said 'we are broken people" and went to go ruin things and run from the cops. I do this every night now and Andy has been more rude everyday he had power over me. I let my world crumble before me. Then Tyler stitched me up and Andy removed the stitches.

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