Wedding Plans

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Andy and I sat down and thought about our wedding for hours. We need the colors which was the first thing we agreed on grey white and black. But at the same time we always somehow got to baby names. We actually had high hopes for our wedding and our child. His band and Josh are his grooms men and since my I hate my dad and he's gone Chris is walking me down the aisle. I don't have girlfriends so Jenna, Ashley (Halsey) and Dan and Phil are being my bridesmen and bridesmaids. They're all okay with it. Andy and I talked all day about it and still didn't finish cause we went to the hospital to see if the pregnancy tests lied. "Well Ms Raven the baby so far is healthy and gas a good chance of making it"! I smiled and almost cried. I'm not sure why it's just... One day Andy hated me and well..... Raped me.


I slowly turn around and see Andy "ANDREW. WHAT THE FUCK" "I took my chance" "I AM DATING ALEXX AND I LOVE HER" I scream trying to block out my parts. "Cmon Max it's nothing I haven't seen before. Plus I know you still have feeling for me". But I didn't know he knew. He pinned me against the wall and kissed my neck "A-A-Andy stop I don't love". "Yes you do." He reached down to my lower area. "See" "we're in the damn shower of coarse that's what happens bodies get wet." I looked him in the eyes with anger. But he must have mistaking it for lust cause he moved himself into me "ANDY THIS IS FUCKING RAPE" " no it's not" it was true it wasn't rape but still. Then I heard the bathroom door opening. "Alexx?" I whine as he slowly goes into me again "Max what are you doing?" She opened then shower curtain and gasped "M-Max"? "ALEXX NO HE'S DOING THIS I DID NO--"!

*end of flashback*

I'm taken out of my past thoughts by Andy saying "Max"? I shake by head "uhm yeah Andy"? "Are you okay? You seemed... off"? "I'm fine" I smiled and walked out of the large building. "Andy... Just a few years ago. I was happily with Alexx. Now. Well. I'm marrying the man who sexually assaulted me. But it was weird? I wasn't having second thoughts it's just. What if our child wants to know how I lost my virginity or how me and Andy had our first time. Jesus. Andy was the only man I have ever loved. Other than Tyler. But it's clear tyler didn't feel like that towards me. I laid in bed and felt paralyzed I'm not sure why I just did. Andy came into bed and wrapped his arm around my stomach and nuzzled my neck. "I love you so much Max Biersck" I blushed when he called me Max Biersack. "I love you to Andrew Biersack". I turned to face him and kissed him. "I hope you know I'm always going to be sorry for the past not matter what. And yelling at you the first time we were about to have our kid". "Andy it's fine. I will always forgive you". I kissed him and fell asleep holding my stomach over Andy's hands. For the first time in years, I fell asleep happy.

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