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Phil said "well um ha *cough*" "Andy to you care to tell poor smol Phil"? "Ahem uh not at all Max. Well Phil Max just happened to get her shirt wet which made me hard and we had sex in your bathroom bye". Andy took my hand as I yelled sorry while Dan was laughing his ass off. Andy and I ran to the car and laughed. "I love how you handled that Andrew". I bite my lip to contain the laughs "well you just gave me the wheel and I helped us out". I kissed him and got into that car. We drove home some giggles coming out of us sometimes. We finally got home and I started making food for the both of us. When I was almost done I felt a sickly feeling and panicked because of what happened last time I felt like this. But it's probably nothing right? I just feel sick. Dear God. I ran to the bathroom and puked and Andy ran and held by hair up and rubbed my back. "I-its probably nothing right Andy"? "Yeah probably. But let's just be sure". He left the house probably to get a pregnancy test just in case. He came back about 10 minutes later and gave the tiny box to me. I went to the bathroom and peed on it. Shocked of what I saw. "A-andy"... (just saying they had sex before the bathroom thing but it's just I didn't feel like writing it.) He ran to the bathroom again and his mouth hung open. Unlike last time he hugged me. "Max I want to be married before the baby comes. So we should plan our wedding now".

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