I Miss Her

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I wake up expecting to see the back of Alexx's head but it's Andy's black hair. He turns around most likely expecting me to be sleeping but it's me sitting up feeling sick. "Max what's wrong"? "Um nothing Andy" he knew something was up but respected it. He kissed me and left the room. "Why did I let her leave me. I still would've been with her." I feel like that's what Andy said when I left to.


I feel awful about taking her from Alexx I don't deserve her. But I missed her a lot and what Alexx said to her I don't want her to go back. I sat down on the couch rethinking what I've done. "Morning Andy" I hear Max's hot sleepy voice say. "Good morning Max." She was in the kitchen making coffee. While she was doing that I went to the kitchen looked at her leaned body waiting for her coffee. I went behind her and put my hands around her hips making her jump and turn around. "Fucker". She laughed and kissed me. I'm finally with the girl I longed for.


I think I'm really starting to like Andy I mean the fucker just scared me but still I found it kinda cute. Then out if nowhere I get a phone call. "Tyler?" "He's calling you?" "Y-yeah he is". "You can answer it Max" "o-okay" I walk out of the kitchen to answer it. "Max?" "Tyler". "I just wanted to say that Jenna and I are getting married." WAIT WHAT?! "Oh okay.. Cool." "Anyway I have to go now, bye" "bye..." I walk back into the kitchen and just stand there "what's wrong"? "Tyler and Jenna are getting married." "Fuck already" "yeah." He walks up to me not sure why but he did. "So Max let me get this straight. If he was cheating on you with Jenna for how many years. Wouldn't that mean he was also cheating on Jenna with you?" "I'm not sure if that's how it works Andy." "Well then." He kisses my neck. "Uhm what" "I think I want to do this properly". He grabs my ass and starts sucking on my neck. I let out a tiny moan. He stops sucking my neck looking at the mark he just made then looked at me. He lifted me up bridal style. He dropped me off in my room and crawled on top of me. He starts playing with the hem of my shirt then stops at the uncertainty in my face. "Do you want this Max"?

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