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We get back into the car and she drives me to a bar. "I'm sorry I know we always do this but it's. We can we if you want to" "no I'm fine Max" we get out and walk in. The music at a medium. Max and I go to the bar. A girl sits next to me "hey sexy" the girl said. I sighed "what do you want"? "You you idiot" I ignored her and Max and I went outside to smoke. The girl following I kissed Max when she came outside then the girl flirted with me more. Max looked over when she noticed "hey yeah you bitch can you come here for a second?" "Um okay?" She went over. Then Max punched her in the jaw and went back inside "wow." "Your girlfriends a bitch" she must've heard it cause she gave her the finger "I'm his bitch fiance boo". We walked inside and I kissed her "wow. That exists in you"? "Yep it does. And I'll do it when someone flirts with my man." She kisses me. After a few hours of drinking we drove home as carefully as possible. I turned on the radio and stressed out was playing. As soon as she noticed she turned it off. "Ugh". "Its always playing when I'm in the car and it's annoying" (I love tøp) I kissed her cheek so she would sort of calm down then her scars then her forehead. Finally after the drive we were home. When we got back we felt like watching a movie so we watched about 2 saw movies and she fell asleep in my arms.



I walk into the house I share with my fiancé Andy and hear a girls moaning. I felt sick. I went up into the room we share and see him banging a slut. I feel the tears weld up in my eyes as Andy notices I'm there. I'm shaking and don't want to be alive "YOU KNOW WHAT? I GUESS OUR CHILD IS GOING TO GROW UP WITHOUT A FATHER". I run outside and drive to my old friend Sophia's house. "So he didn't know you were pregnant"? "Nobody knew. I was just going to tell him then I saw him with some slut." "So where did you guys live? I need to beat the shit out of him." I smiled and she saw and smiled back "get in the car Sophia." We drove to the house we shared and she walked in with me. The girl was gone. I held my stomach holding the baby that would once be seen. I heard Sophia slap him and yell at him. Andy's voice sound raspy as if he was crying. I didn't want to be alive. But I want my child to be. I didn't want my child to look like Andy cause it would bring back memories. Once Sophia was done we drove back to her place. "Um I have to go to the bathroom" "okay Max". I got to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I looked away the only thing I was in my face was the lies he told me and I believed them. 'I could never leave you' 'you will never lose me' 'I could never cheat on you". The lies upon lies swarmed around my head. I hated looking at the stuff he said he loved. Then I just collapsed.

I was shoken awake by Andy. I got up and kissed him. "If you cheat on me I'll cut your dick off <3" "I would never".

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