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I put her onto the bathroom counter and kissed her still with my hard bugging me. "Andy, we have to do this quietly" "I don't know why you out of all people you're saying quietly when your the loud one". She sighed and took off my shirt then hers. "Well your the cause of me being loud" she whispered then biting her lip. (Actually Ill tell you something it's that the whole fanfic is really uncomfortable to write cause my names Andy) I slowly pulled down her pants then she pulled down mine. She groped my hard length making me groan "damnit Max" I whispered looking at her dark smirk as she pulled down my boxers with her slim thumbs. I looked at her body that was only in her bra and panties making me sad seeing her scars. I sighed and ripped off her bra and panties so she knew I still wanted her then I aligned my length with her entrance and slowly sunk myself into her earning a queit moan from her. "Fuck Andy" I started thrusting slowly into her laying my head on her shoulder slowly going faster and harder making her moan more and louder. She started tugging on my head which made me groan in delight. I feel her tighten around me "Andy"! She kinda yelled "shhhh! You have to be quiet Max" I went faster into her "Fuck"! I felt myself starting to come and her walls tighten around my hard even more. "Andy I'm close"! "Fuck me to". I heard her moans becoming more consistent as I felt her release onto my still thrusting member. After a few thrusts I come into her making her moan really fucking loud then hearing a knock on the door. "Max? Andy? Are you okay" "um yeah Dan we're fine" Max said panting then hearing PJ doing girl moans in the distance "FUCK YOU PJ"! I yelled. I pulled out and fixed each others sex hair and getting our clothes on then walking out "umm Max, Andy? Why does it smell like sweat and shame in here"?

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