What's going on with you?

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It's years since I seen Max. In person that is. Josh has spoken about her now and then but everyday I have to relive her running away from me. I'm surprised Jenna's even still with me. Suddenly I get a text. "Max"? I look at it and it reads.. 'Hey Tyler I'm sorry I never got to properly congratulate you and Jenna's engagement. I wish you both the best of luck for the future. Me and Andy.' I read the last part over and over again. Josh and I were watching a movie. "She's with Andy"? "Yeah Tyler. I told you this. I saw her the other day they seem really happy together". "To be honest I never thought she would go to Andy." "Well I mean Andy and I were the two people she saw after you confessed of cheating so". "But didn't she date a girl before Andy? Alexx?" "Yeah she did but broke up with her after Andy ra--" "wait. What did he do to Max" "apparently he um raped her." I could never picture Max getting raped. Wait of course I can she's sexy and young I think everyone would date her if they got a chance. "Um Tyler?" "Hm yeah?" "I should go before Jenna gets here. Bye Tyler" "bye Josh".

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