Our Baby Zane

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I was laying in the hospital bed going through extreme pain. "Push Max push" and another doctor telling me "breath Max"! I've been here for hours with Andy and I'm getting tired. "I can see the head Max! Keep pushing" I pushed with all I could groaning and moaning in pain. "It hurts so much"! I scream. Then the doctor said "it's a boy"! I panted smiling. "Mr Biersack would you like to cut the cord"? "S-sure" Andy replied shakingly. He cut the cord and the doctor let me see him. "Hi Zane" tears began to roll up into my eyes and they took him away to wash him and do tests. "You are so brave Max and so strong" I smiled "thanks Andy so much. I love you" I kiss him and see Zane coming back. The doctor gives him to me and I snuggle him. "Hi Zane " I smile "welcome to the world I'm your mommy and he's your daddy. He's Batman the man I told you about. The man that saves lives". I kiss her forehead and let Andy hold him "hey buddy. I'm your daddy" he starts to cry "I'm Batman". He said in a Batman voice that sounded cute but weird because he was crying. Andy handed Zane after kissing forehead five million times. I giggled but still in a bit of pain from giving birth to my baby. He had black hair that looked cute on his small head (I hate kids in real life) I hugged my fragile baby crying.

Andy's POV

I looked at Zane in Max's thin arms around the new baby crying. His small fragile figure in hers his black hair come from Max and blue eye from me but it was our baby and I loved him so much.

*one week later*

Max and Zane were sleeping so I wanted to make breakfast for them and take care of Zane if he woke up so Max doesn't have to do so much. She's been doing a lot with him and we've only had him for a week and she's tired. Suddenly I hear Zane start crying. I run to his nursery and change him, feed him, and rocked him back to sleep. "Your a real care giver huh Andy"? I turned as round and there Max was smirking leaned against the yellow wall. I walked over and kissed her. "Yeah I am". She looked over the red crib. Carrying the again awake baby. She walked down the stairs to the kitchen where she has not been yet today. She got to the kitchen and smiled and kissed me "thank you Andy" "your welcome Biersack". She breast fed Zane and we sat down eating our food and it was the start of an amazing day.

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