Clubs and Dreams

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Andy was out with Ashley and Jake. I sat in bed on tumblr for half an hour waiting for Tyler to reply. I turn off my phone and hear my phone ring. I answer my phone to here my British fucker Dan Howell. "Hey bitch" "hey fucker" "haha is Andy there? Cause if he isn't maybe me you and Phil can go out"? "He isn't here and I'll for sure go. Wait where are we going"? "Club Warped" "I'm down" "okay Philly and I will pick you up right away." "Alright Danny" he giggled at the fact I called him Danny then hung up. While I waited for Phil and Dan I put on eyeliner a sleeping with sirens shirt and black skinny jeans. Dan texted me and said 'ay Maxy we'll be there soon' okay so I have time to do my hair. I straightened my hair and lil bit of poof. As soon as I finished I heard a car in the driveway so I ran outside and jumped into the backseat of Phil's car. "Hi Max" I heard Phil's cute voice come from the drivers seat "hey guys" I moved my hair out of my eye so I can see. After a bit of driving we get to the club. All three of us ran out of the car and walked into the club. I walked in and the first thing I saw was Josh and Tyler at the bar. I tried to hide my face from Tyler then heard Phil whisper to me "why are you hiding" "cause Philip my ex boyfriend is here". "So"? "He chetaed in me and I just ran from him." "Well then" "yeah" "hey Max maybe if he sees you with Dan and I he won't talk to you." "Uhm okay" I get out from hiding and walk to the bar with Dan and Phil. Tyler looks at me with the fact of regret and looks away. After about two hours of being here Dan and I were drunk but Phil wasn't. Cause he has to drive well he still drank but hardly. I started dancing with some random guy after that and getting really close to him and he got close to me while we were dancing me being drunk I'm not sure who it was. "Whats your name"? The man yelled through all the music and talking "Max" his eyes grew wide "what's yours"? "Tyler" WHAT? I slowly back away from Tyler then get stolen by another person but luckily this time it was Dan and Phil. We all danced for about half an hour then got tired. "Hey want me to drive us back home"? "Sure Phil" Dan yawned. "Okay let's go" we drove to me and Andy's house to drop me off " Bye famm" "bye Max" they both yelled. I walk inside and saw an angry Andy awaiting me. "Where the hell were you"?! "Out with Dan and Phil." "What happened"? I froze up not wanting to remember what happened with Tyler and I. "What. Happened"? "I drank and accidentally danced with Tyler and got close with him not sex though. Then danced with Dan and Phil". "Damnit Max" "I didn't know Tyler and Josh were going to be there"! "Yeah whatever." "I'm going to bed Andy." I walk to the room and crawl into bed slowly falling asleep. In the morning I felt arms wrapped around me not wanting to get up. I turn over to look at Andy. He's such a cute sleeper. I look at him grinning a bit and kiss his forehead making his eyes open a bit "morning Andrew" I get out of bed putting in clothing and walk into the living room and get a text a text I've been waiting for. Tyler's text. 'Thank you Max and Andy it means a lot and sorry for not realizing I was dancing with you last night.' I smile at the response but don't answer. I go onto tumblr. I move my hair out of my face as I look through it. "Okay Max I'm going to the store be back soon". "Okay just don't cheat on me. I kiss him and he leaves to the store. When he leave I look around seeing he forgot his phone. I'm a good person but not with phones. I look in his contact and see me CC Jinxx Ashley Jake mom dad and Juliet. Wait what? I look in there contacts and see nothing that I care for I go up and see her tits in a picture I go up more and don't see anything that Andy sent. But dirty talk. I place his phone where I got it when he came through the door. He walks up to the living room and kisses my head. I gained the ability to cry a bit and a single tear goes down my face. As I look at Andy's phone. "Whats wrong Max" "uhm who's Juliet"? His eyes grew wide. "A family friend" "that sends you her tits"? Then I woke up from today. (Just the Juliet part was a dream).


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