A few years pass

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.(Sorry) I kiss Tyler before he goes on stage and sings for the band 'twenty one pilots' he was touring with black veil brides so I see Andy now and then. He doesn't beat people anymore he's really nice now and we're friends. I start getting ready for me and Tyler's date tonight and see Andy from the corner of my eye. "Hey Ms Raven". "Hello Mr Biersack". "You look amazing Max" I blush "thanks Andy". Andy leaves after Tyler is off stage and comes to see me "hello lovely" "hello cutie" I kiss his neck and we go to the meet n greet. While walking to our table thing I see Andy and he looks at me (thumbnail) I look at him back and peck Tyler. After the meet n
greet. Tyler takes me to the river bank and sighs before talking. "Max Raven. I have to confess something." Was Andy right when he called me? Is he cheating? Tears fill up his brown eyes "Max I've made a mistake. I cheated on you with Jenna. I cheated on the most beautiful girl in the world with Jenna." I look sad but I just can't cry. So I run off to Josh. "Josh.... Did you know about Tyler cheating on me? Please be honest." "N-no I didn't? Why would he cheat on the most amazing girl in the world?" "I'm clearly not that amazing cause he cheated on me but thanks Josh." I hug him tightly and leave to see Andy. Went to find him. I finally find him talking to Ashley. I run up to Andy and hug him "you were right. He cheated." "Told you" he kisses my head. I back up and look at Andy and run off cause I didn't like him in that way. I walk home and see the girl from the prison but she most likely didn't notice me without my misfit stuff on so I just walk on. Then I heard "Max? Max Raven"? I look at and look at her and she hugs me "Hey how are you and Tyler?" "Well Alexx he cheated on me with some girl named Jenna." Then after her starting into my eyes. She kisses me. I didn't pull away cause well I liked her she pulled away with the word 'sorry' in her eyes but I pulled her close and kissed her.

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